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Everything posted by jellis

  1. I am trying to connect to a Cube made in SQL Service Analysis Services. I have configured an XML/A connection in JasperServer, and when I choose 'Test Connection', the server indicates that the 'Connection passed'. Everything looks good with the connection itself at this point. However, when I actually try to create a new OLAP View using that connection, I run in to an error: com.tonbeller.jpivot.olap.model.OlapException: Malformed data source given for determining XML/A provider Digging around the source a bit, I suspect I am running afoul of this segment of code in XMLA_Soap.java: String upperDSString = dataSourceString.toUpperCase(); if (!upperDSString.startsWith("PROVIDER=")) { throw new OlapException("Malformed data source given for determining XML/A provider"); } However, attempting to specify the provider as SqlServer (e.g., putting "Provider=MS;DataSource=REDACTED;" or "Provider=MICROSOFT;DataSource=REDACTED;" in the Data Source field), just results in a new error: org.olap4j.OlapException: No datasource could be found. Any insights on what it is I'm missing here to make this work?
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