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Everything posted by abcg5

  1. No one has any idea? Or i couldn't do it in jasper report?
  2. Finally, i resolve this problem by the return value of subreport. But i feel this is a stupid answer. Because of it will call a subreport with in each row data to only get the other information. The subrpeort without other functions.
  3. Any one could answer it? Or jasper report couldn't do it?
  4. Hello, every body. I designs jasper report with ireport 5.5.0. There are two requirements in my report. One is dynamic number of columns EX : With Query One With Query Two Column A, Column B, Column C Column A, Column C, Column D, Column E To do this, I use table component to design Column A~E first. The other is detail band hide. EX : Show detail No Show Detail Header---------------------- Header---------------------- Detail row 1 --------------- Summary------------------- Detail row 2---------------- : Detail row n---------------- Summary------------------- Or I know in main report, could do it easliy use "Print When Expression" of detail band. But because of dynamic columns, all information will show in a table component. there isn't the attribution in detail of table component. How could i do in table componet to accomplish the requirements. Or other methods could accomplish the requirement?? Need ur help, thank u.
  5. I set some data in detail band. the column 2, 3 is textfields in list component, other is out of list.(different datasets) the problem is apparent. I want the textfeilds in list will meet the height of row. But I don't know how to set the attributions of textfeilds and list. I set the Strecth Type, but it didn't work well. Anyone could teach me how to let the it go well.
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