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Everything posted by nash.seq

  1. Post a jrxml. We can only guess what properties you've applied to your elements and bands at this point.
  2. Why don't you just modify the "Padding and borders" properties of the columns in the detail band to only have a border on the left and right of cells, and the columns of the column footer to have borders on all sides?
  3. Well after having a cursory look at this site for the past week, a lot of them aren't well formed, see: http://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask. Basically, I see some questions from people without any context of the problem. What are you trying to do? What steps have you taken (no a stack trace of your error is not self-explanatory). Is your question already easily answered in another source (e.g. SO, user guides). Is what you're typing even English? Some don't even ask a question and just post a log dump! Speaking for myself ofcourse, but I just get put off when people ask questions without showing even a little effort.
  4. Yes, have a field for each record specifying its region, then make sure the result set from query is sorted by region. In iReport, create a group in the dataset whose expression is then just $F{REGION}. Its in iReport Ultimate Guide - grouping, please RTFM.
  5. Why exactly are you using several textfields instead of one? If it's formatting, you can use "n" for newline and concatenate different $R{} text with the "+" operator
  6. Are you ensuring that your main report detail band is only printing once? Sounds like you are executing the same query in the main report and the table's dataset. If that is the case, it means that for every record in the result set of the main report query, the detail band, and thus your table, is printed again. And in your table, it already prints the dataset query, so the total records you'd be printing is equal to # of main report result set records * # of table data set records
  7. Is there any way to not print a group even once in a report? Using null or blank as a group expression always prints the group at least once after the first page's column headers band. According to the iReport Ultimate guide for group expressions: I want to be able to change the frequency of group occurence based on a GroupBy parameter (e.g. $P{groupBy1}.equals("foo")?$V{REPORT_COUNT}:null), and while I already have a solution to have two seperate tables that print conditionally based on GroupBy parameter, one for grouping, and one for not grouping by setting group header and footer height to 0, I'd rather desire to reduce number of tables I use in the report if there's a better way.
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