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Everything posted by naveen.sharma

  1. In Report 1: Step 1: Connect to database (Click on database icon and give all the details and test it ) Step 2: delete all the not needed bands(If we don’t delete it leads to page gaps in the output) Step 3: Write a simple query in Report Query area ( Just right click on report name in the Report Inspector then Select the query) I’ve given like this : select 1 as One Step 4: The bands I’m interested to take are : Column header and Detail bands respectively. Step 5: Drag and drop the field to detail area And drag and drop a text field from palette to column header. The below image gives somehow idea. http://helicaltech.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Hyperlink-300x168.png Step 6: Giving Hyperlink to text field i) Write text in double quotes like : “Hyper link”.( Text field should take double quotes whereas static text field doesn’t take double quotes and doesn’t applicable to create hyperlink) ii) Right Click on the text field ->Click on Hyperlink-> It opens a window see the sample in the following image http://helicaltech.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Hyperlink2-300x156.png iii) Give Hyperlink target as : Blank Hyperlink type as : ReportExecution iv) Click on Link Parameters.. Give Link parameter name as : _report Parameter Class Name as : java.lang.String Value Expression : location/Path of the second report in the server for example the path is : ”/reports/Demos_Sadakar/HyperLinkDemo/Hyperlink_Report2″ We can observe the location in the below image http://helicaltech.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Hyperlink3-300x79.png NOTE : Remember that Hyperlink_Report2 in the URL is the ID of the jasperReport when we give at the time uploading report to server.. i.e, it is not the name of the Report. http://helicaltech.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Hyperlink4-300x76.png Step 7: Now save the report and upload to the server(Hope we know how to upload a report to server. Please find how to upload a report to server in the list of posts of my blog) In Report 2:( A normal report with row banding functionality) Step 1: Create a report and write query in query area (Give same database details.. foodmart details) I have taken this query : select * from employee Step 2: Just drag and drop fields from Fields node of Report Insepector to Detail band. ( dragging only few fields) Step 3: Now we are working on row banding. i) Go to Report Inspector panel ii) Right click on Style option and Add some style.. I’ve given default name as style1 iii)Right click on style1 and select Add Conditional Style iv) Now double click on it and i’ll open Expression Editor.. there we need to give the follwoing condition new Boolean($V{REPORT_COUNT}.intValue() % 2 == 0) In the above expression $V{REPORT_COUNT} is the default variable provided by jasperians in iReport. Check variables in the Report Insepctor. http://helicaltech.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Hyperlink5-300x143.png v) Go to the properties of Conditional Style expression it opens it’s poperties( not click on Style1.. click on the conditional thing). In the properties window select give your favourite BackColor. I’m showing the scenario in an image. http://helicaltech.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Hyperlink6-300x49.png NOTE: do not check Opaque check box. just leave it. Step 4: Now select the fields you want to apply for the fields. I’ve selected all the fields that I’ve dragged to the Detail band. You can observe the multiple Objects properties window on the right side. From the properties go to style and give the style1( just click on it it’ll show all the created styles.. In our example we have created only one style i.e, style1) http://helicaltech.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Hyperlink8-300x53.png That’s it. Now save the report and see the output of the report in the server . It’d look like the following http://helicaltech.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Hyperlink9-300x220.png Execution of the Reports using hyperlink- Final Output. NOTE : When we create an hyperlink and if it works fine then the color of the text changed to light blue and it’ll have underscore on mouseover. First Report Output: http://helicaltech.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Hyperlink10-300x44.png Now click on “Hyper Link” that we are seeing on.. It’ll redirect to another page which we call it as hyperlink functionality in iReport. http://helicaltech.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Hyperlink9-300x220.png <em>:)</em> <em>:)</em> Thanks for your time to read this tutorial <em>:)</em> <em>:)</em> <em>:)</em> for any queries :
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