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  1. Hi! I write in my post: I've tried to add static text, but it intersects with CrossTab Element and disappears, when report is exported to Excel.
  2. I am using CrossTab with 7 Row Groups in Jasper Studio. Here is the result, that I get. So you can see, that it's quite difficult to understand, what data is presented in Row Groups. I'd like to add Row Group Headers, but there is no clear way to perform it! Here is the result, that I expect. I've tried to add static text, but it intersects with CrossTab Element and disappears, when report is exported to Excel. Is there any way to add Row Group Headers to CrossTab?
  3. Changed Assigned User from @anonymous to @User_306070
  4. Hi, I have the following problem: I try to create a simple report from 1 postgewSQL table "Cotracts"(JDBC connection). It's very huge and contains about ~5 million rows. My activity: File->New->Jasper Report->Choose Blank A4 template->Next->choose foldier "My Reports"->Next->Then I Select my data Adapter-> Now I give a query: SELECT * FROM "Contracts" and click "Next"->Then JasperSoft Studio begins Retrieving Fields. But it doesn't only make a scheme of fields, understanding data types. As far as I understand, it downloads ALL data from my table. It's clear from the memory consumption. I have 2 GB RAM, and in some minutes of "Retrieving Fields" JasperSoft Studio begins to consum practically all memory. (135 000 mb) Then I get an error (picture related). "java.lang.outofmemoryerror java heap space" I suppose that JasperSoft Stuido tries to download all data from table. By the by, I "solved" this by using the query: SELECT * FROM "Contracts" limit 1 all fields are retrieved quickly. And then I have to delete limit 1 expression and add new parametrs to report. Is there any oppotunity to avoid all data downloading and usinfg "limit" expression?
  5. Have the same proble. I've created an issue here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/jasperreports-server/issues/3609 My question is also below: http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/826250/jasperserver-550-truncates-text
  6. Changed Priority from High to Urgent Changed Assigned User from @User_306070 to @anonymous property is not working.It works in JasperSoft Studio, but JasperServer (5.5.0) truncates values while exporting.It's an urgent problem.
  7. I use those exporters, that are offered originally in JSS and JRS.
  8. Changed Assigned User from - to @User_306070 The language is Russian by the way.
  9. JasperReports Server of v. 5.5.0(I use it on Linux x64) truncates values both in column names and in detail. I can not understand it's logic, because text length is different in different cases. The language in Reports is Russian. (net.sf.jasperreports.text.truncate.at.char=false, net.sf.jasperreports.print.keep.full.text = true) The fact is, I made a report in JasperSoft Studio 5.5.2 and it works there normal (it means, that my postgreSQL data base gives the report full values) without any truncation, but the same report published to the server provides truncated values. I don't want to use Stretch With Overflow property, because some of my values are too long and the report will be looking bad. (#3609 issue)
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