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  1. In Jasper Studio (6.6.0) all the attributes of a class (including member Varialbles and nested objects) were listed as leaf attributes only in the Query Editor. How to enable the Query Editor dialog of Jasper studio to List out the attributes of a nested class. Any one please help to resolve this issue, Thanks.
  2. In Jasper Studio (6.6.0) all the attributes of a class were listed as Leaf attributes only (including nested class) in the Query Editor. How to enable the Query Editor dialog of Jasper studio to List out the attributes of a nested class. Any one please help to resolve this issue, Thanks.
  3. Hozawa, that problem was identified and resolved. But new problem is how to drill down to the inner most attribute of a nested class. can you pls provide any solution for this. Thank you.
  4. We now Found the Exact problem which caused this situation. There is vaadin frame work dependent jars missing, so added those dependent jars, now its listing the attributes. but new problem is how to drill down to the inner most attribute of a nested class.
  5. Unlike in Jasper I report 5.1.0, Jasper studio is not reading all the attributes from the bean after we provide the Name of the bean in the Dataset and Query editor dialog, Pre requisite : we added the Jar file containing the classes to the Library through Add External Jars option provided in the Java Build Path of Project Properties Menu. Jasper Studio Version : TIBCO Jaspersoft® Studio 6.6.0 No Exception occurs and No attributes listed. Can any one face this situation Please do the Needful, Thanks.
  6. I've checked the field type, since I'm using javabean datasource so the field type was set to java.util.Date. Do you have any other solution for this, as this is not getting displayed correctly.
  7. since I'm using javabean datasource I don't have the option to write query instead I've to go with the java API methods. do you pls suggest me any other solution for this. Thanks for the reply
  8. I am using iReport Designer 5.1.0, I am trying to format the date using : SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").format($F{DoB}) its displaying the year value wrongly. Its working good for 2000 and above years. but previous years were not displayed correctly. Can you pls help me out in sorting out this at the earliest. Thanks & Regrds
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