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Everything posted by ncuneo

  1. Hello, I'm playing around with Jaspersoft Studio and am trying to test it out by creating a simple bar chart. I imported some data from wikipedia to play with and am just trying to make a bar chart with actions performed by different users. Ideally, the y axis would have a count of actions and the x axis will be different bars for different actions for each user with a count of how many times that user performed that action. The problem I'm running into is that when I create a bar chart, it seems to only want to show a running total of all of the actions performed, so the last user always has totals at the limit of my data while the first user seems to have an accurate count. I've tried messing with the 'Increment on" and "Reset on" options in the chart data config but I can't seem to get it to reset the counters for each column, everything I set always results in a running total. I've also tried setting my value to $V{COLUMN_COUNT} and $V{REPORT_COUNT}, but both have the same effect. Here's my bar chart code if it's helpful <barChart> <chart evaluationTime="Column" renderType="svg" theme="aegean"> <reportElement isPrintRepeatedValues="false" x="0" y="0" width="572" height="460" uuid="ef1c289a-a5c2-47c9-864c-3c83b654fdd7"/> <chartTitle> <font fontName="DejaVu Serif"/> <titleExpression><![CDATA["User Actions"]]></titleExpression> </chartTitle> <chartSubtitle/> <chartLegend/> </chart> <categoryDataset> <dataset resetType="Column"/> <categorySeries> <seriesExpression><![CDATA[$F{action}]]></seriesExpression> <categoryExpression><![CDATA[$F{username}]]></categoryExpression> <valueExpression><![CDATA[$V{COLUMN_COUNT}]]></valueExpression> <labelExpression><![CDATA[$F{action}]]></labelExpression> </categorySeries> </categoryDataset> <barPlot> <plot> <seriesColor seriesOrder="0" color="#299ECB"/> <seriesColor seriesOrder="1" color="#F3519C"/> <seriesColor seriesOrder="2" color="#F53B4B"/> <seriesColor seriesOrder="3" color="#1FD352"/> <seriesColor seriesOrder="4" color="#F5265D"/> <seriesColor seriesOrder="5" color="#8EC7AD"/> <seriesColor seriesOrder="6" color="#198AC9"/> <seriesColor seriesOrder="7" color="#F6999D"/> <seriesColor seriesOrder="8" color="#16CBD3"/> <seriesColor seriesOrder="9" color="#5C3BE3"/> <seriesColor seriesOrder="10" color="#AAF471"/> <seriesColor seriesOrder="11" color="#1F7EDE"/> <seriesColor seriesOrder="12" color="#20155F"/> <seriesColor seriesOrder="13" color="#709A78"/> <seriesColor seriesOrder="14" color="#D5036A"/> <seriesColor seriesOrder="15" color="#E4D8B6"/> </plot> <itemLabel color="#FFFFFF" backgroundColor="#000000"/> <categoryAxisLabelExpression><![CDATA["Username"]]></categoryAxisLabelExpression> <categoryAxisFormat> <axisFormat> <labelFont> <font fontName="DejaVu Sans"/> </labelFont> </axisFormat> </categoryAxisFormat> <valueAxisLabelExpression><![CDATA["Actions"]]></valueAxisLabelExpression> <valueAxisFormat> <axisFormat/> </valueAxisFormat> </barPlot> </barChart>
  2. I'm trying to do a simple bar chart, I limited my data to only 10,000 rows from a very large sample. When I go to preview the report instead it gives me 10,000 pages with each page containing the exact same chart. I also don't feel like the chart is viewable on one page so I'm not sure if it's not overflowing correctly or something. Any ideas? Thanks
  3. I'm trying to generate a simple bar chart of a very large data set( ~3,000,000 rows ). Jaspersoft Studio tries to load all the data on a preview but eventually gets out of memory exception. I know I could raise the memory of the JVM, but I'd rather limit the number of rows that came back for the preview. I tried setting Max Number of Records in Window > Preferences > Jaspersoft Studio > Report Execution, but that didn't seem to do anything. Is there a way to limit the number of results for preview of data?
  4. I see now there is a limitation with hive server 1 that only the 'default' database is supported. Does Jaspersoft support hive2 connector?
  5. I checked the logs and this is the exception: 2014-04-11 06:53:29,827 ERROR DataSourceAction,http-80-4:455 - exception testing custom data source net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Could not create a validated object, cause: validateObject failed
  6. Hi, I'm new to BI reporting tools so decided to give Jaspersoft a try. I'm playing around with the demo and I can't seem to connect to my hive datastore. I can ping the server the Hive datastore is on, and I can connect to the Hive datastore from other BI software. When I was running Hive Server I was able to connect to 'default' datasource but not my datasource, named 'wikipage'. I switched the hive server to Hive Server 2, and I can't seem to connect to either default or wikipage now. I've tried changing the URL to jdbc:hive2:// - I'm not sure what to check from here. Thanks
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