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Everything posted by mike_28

  1. I had a similar issue that I solved by the following: dowload iReport Designer or jaspersoft studio from sourceforgeCreate a Data Adapter and add your mongo database with login credentialsCreate a JasperReports Server Connection and refer it to your own JasperReports Server instanceCreate a new JasperReport using the Report WizardAfter creating your report, publish / upload it to your JasperReports Server.The .jrxml file will now be visible within your JasperReports Server as a 'Topic'Login and Create an Ad-Hoc-Report in your JasperReports ServerChoose the Topic selection and browse to the directory that you uploaded your report to previouslyAnd that should be it!However, the problem that I encountered througout this process was that there were no fields from my mongodb visible. The Jaspersoft Studio tool Preview produced an empty report. My database, called shortstories, has a collection called hardbackbooks. And each row in 'hardbackbooks' contains the 2 fields, content and created_date. The query string I used when creating the report is below; Can anyone help with this JasperSoft to MongoDB syntax, please? {collectionName : 'hardbackbooks', findFields : {'content':1,'created_date':1},rowsToProcess:20}
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