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Everything posted by chorsell_1

  1. Hi. In Jaspersoft Studio I have created a column chart. However the XAxis Font Size is too large. How do I change the font size to be smaller? I cannot workout how to do this. I am assuming you do it in the Advance Chart Properties by adding a Chart Property. Any help greatly appreciated.
  2. What is was trying to explain is that when I am in JasperServer domain editor I created a calculated field called "BRI_Staff_Member_State" which looks at the answers given in another field to return a result: Like this. if(public_clientvisits_521.bristaffmember_c2 == 'Joe Blogs','NSW',if(public_clientvisits_521.bristaffmember_c2 == 'Peter Pan','VIC')) But when I am in Jaspersoft Studio looking at my Dataset this calculated field does not appear anywhere.
  3. In JasperReports Server I have some calculated fields. When in Studio these fields do not show and I cannot include in report design. Does anyone know how to show?
  4. Thank you very much this worked. Although I had to change class to java.sql.Timestamp Much appreciated. Only problem i have now is that i have calculated fields done in the server but they do not show up in Studio.
  5. I have used Jaspersoft Studio to create a HTML5 Chart. In my database i have a date field. How do you set a filter control so that when someone runs a report they can select a date range so select data? Same process as when you have originally created a report in Ad-hoc and added between filter that you can then select. As I created this report directly in Studio I do not know how to do this. Any help greatly appreciated.
  6. Hi, Using Jaspersoft Server, when you are in Domains and adding a calculated field using concat and i want one part to be bold, E.g Field 1 = Peter and Field 2 = Smith. And I want the calculated field to say Peter Smith Id create a calculated field using Concat (Field1, Field2) - but i dont know how to tell it to bold the field 2. Any assistance much appreciated.
  7. How can i write and expression for a calculated field that shows the last two charachters in a field. For example, Field A = Hello 01 and i want to create a new field which just has 01.
  8. Hi, i am trying to create a calculated field. For example i have fields which contain ABC 01, ABC 02 etc. What i want is to have a new field calculated based on whether a field has 01 in it. I can do it if i say field equals ABC 01 (in other words the whole value) by using something like this if(public_incidentreportdonotuse_212.tenancyname_c358 == 'ABC 01','MALL1', if(public_incidentreportdonotuse_212.tenancyname_c358 == 'ABC 02','Mall2')) But not by just looking for part of the value. The reason i need this is i may have 100 values with a different ABC but with 01 at the end.
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