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  1. Hello hozawa, Thanks for your answere, I never use befor Visualzie.js, I will check, do you have more information or could you please tell me where I can find information of how to use this application and include on the reports? Regards
  2. Hello, I don't know if someone else have had the same question but I was looking and I could not find information about this, basically I have two questions. The first one is about how to focus the cursor on the fields of the input parameters: I have several reports and I have to use the mouse to select the field of the first input parameter, Does anyone knows how can I set that the cursor automatically stay on the first field of the parameters? The second question is about the buttons "Apply" and "OK", , because the button "Apply" is set by default selected but really don't do anything and the reports only runs after click on the "OK" button, the question is how to set that the default button is the "OK" and not the "Apply"?, and also I want to use the "Enter" key instead of the click with the mouse. Thanks for your help. Regards
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