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  1. Thank you. I am able to fix with the suggestions provided
  2. My doubt is whether is it possible to generate sequence number in iReport?
  3. I want to display same sequence number for a group as shown in below example. Please help with SQL query Ex: I have data as below in the table. Facility Store Stop 620592 S0722 1 620578 S0308 2 620578 S0631 3 620590 S0678 4 620590 S0444 5 620590 S0237 6 I need Sequence number for these record as Facility Stop Sequence 620592 1 1 620578 2 2 620578 3 2 620590 4 3 620590 5 3 620590 6 3 The sequence number is same for a group of Facility and ordered by minimum of stop. Is it possible to generate sequence number as shown above in iReport designer?
  4. Is it possible to generate sequence as mentioned above in through iReport designer? If so, can you please suggest how to do it..
  5. I want to display same sequence number for a group as shown in below example. Please help with SQL query Ex: I have data as below in the table. Facility Store Stop 620592 S0722 1 620578 S0308 2 620578 S0631 3 620590 S0678 4 620590 S0444 5 620590 S0237 6 I need Sequence number for these record as Facility Stop Sequence 620592 1 1 620578 2 2 620578 3 2 620590 4 3 620590 5 3 620590 6 3 Here Sequence should be based on group by Facility and order by Stop. Please help in creating sql query for this.
  6. I have two variable $V{SUM_ITEMS_SHIPPED} and $V{SUBREP_COUNT} I want sum of these two variables using Groovy. For this, I dragged a new text field to summary band and in the "Text Field Expression" i have given as $V{SUM_ITEMS_SHIPPED} +$V{SUBREP_COUNT} But the result of this concatenation of these two values and not the sum. For ex: $V{SUM_ITEMS_SHIPPED} = 1 $V{SUBREP_COUNT} = 0 output is "10" and not "1" Please help me how to do this. What "Text Field Expression" is needed to sum these two variables together ?
  7. vspn

    Null check

    Hi, I am trying to pass the count of records from sub report to main report using REPORT_COUNT. If the count is null or blank from subreport i want to pass 0 from subreport. I did this as below $V{REPORT_COUNT}== null or $V{REPORT_COUNT}== " " ? 0 : $V{REPORT_COUNT} But still am getting the value as null instead of 0 when there are no records in subreport. Please help. It is very urgent.
  8. Hi, I was loading the existing jasper files in iReport where i found static text fields like below Bundle.getMessage("Name_", $P{REPORT_LOCALE}, "Languages" ) Bundle.getMessage("Cust_Ord_Nbr", $P{REPORT_LOCALE}, "Languages" ) But the report shows actual value of static text like Name, Customer Order Number after execution. Do we configure values for these fields somewhere ? I mean like Name_ = Name, Cust_Ord_Nbr = Customer Order Number etc
  9. My requirement is to print a message in the page footer for one scenario and barcode for another scenario. Lets say i need to print return message for regular orders in page footer and barcode for emergency orders. I need to use the same template for both cases. But show different page footer for each case. I checked "Print when Expression" property, but that does work at field level and not at the layout level. Need help on how to acheive this.
  10. Hi, I have an image with some text in it which is of 358 x 222 pixels. When i use this image in iReport 4.7.1 and export in docx, image looks blurry and text is not clearly visible Is there a way that i can make the image sharp. Please help as it is very urgent. Thank you
  11. Hi, How can we pass more than 1 OUT parameter in stored procedure and call it in iReport. Lets say, I have a variable and ref cursor to be passed as OUT parameters. Will it work? If yes, how can we call that in IReport? Can someone give sample code of stored proc with a variable and ref cursor as OUT
  12. Hi, My requirement is to show only 5 rows per page in detail band. I tried to use page break, by dragging it to detail band and set the "Print When Expression" as $V{PAGE_COUNT}==5. But I still see more than 5 rows per page. Am I missing something? Please help
  13. Are there any scenarios where we don't require JasperReports Server? Can you please share few?
  14. Hi, I am new to iReport development. I would like to know what steps should be followed to deploy reportdeveloped in iReport to production servers. Should we install JasperReports Server in the prod servers to run the report or can we execute the reports without that? If we need JasperReports Server, which version should we install for iReport 4.7.1? What are the steps which we should take care while deploying?
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