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Everything posted by studioragcortelli

  1. Thank your very much for your help, now I can connect. I've choosed another JDBC connection and I've manually changed the parameters. I join the windows of the connection, maybe it can help other people with the same problem. After the points 1 to 5 of my message, it is necessary to set the connection with the following parameters: JDBC Driver: org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver JDBC URL: jdbc:firebirdsql://localhost:3050//home/user/data/db/employee.fdb At the place of localhost it is of course necessary to set the IP address, it the database isn't local. Now it works very good. Thank you again and best regards, Stefano
  2. Hello, I'm new on Jaspersoft and would try to test it on Linux with a database Firebird. I've searched in the forum and with Google and I've found differents treads on the matter, unfortunately I'm not able to connect to Firebird. 1) I've downloaded and installed Jasperreports and iReport on a Debian/Squeeze, from the Firebird site I've downloaded the JDBC drivers for Java 7, version 2.2.5, that it the one used on my pc. 2) I've copied all the JAR files (jaybird-2.2.5, jar, jaybird-full-2.25.jar, jaybird-2.2.5-sources.jar, jaybird-2.2.5-javadoc.jar and also antlr-runtime-3.4.jar, connector-api-1.5, log4j-core into ireport/modules/ext; 3) I've copied the libjaybird22.so into /usr/lib and also into the main directory who ther is the executable of iReport (iReport/bin); 4) I've started iReport, in Tools --> Options --> iReport --> Classpath I've added the JAR files of Jaybird; 5) I've closed and restarted iReport. Unfortunately in Database JDBC Connection I dont't find a Firebird connection und I don't know how to connect to a Firebird database (maybe it is possibile via ODBC, but I would prefere a direct connection). What I've done wrong? The version of iReport that I use is 5.5.1. Thank you for your help and sorry for my bad English. Stefano
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