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  1. I created a report using iReport and displaying in a PHP page. My problem is when I create a parameter and assign it a value, it displays in the preview of iReport but does not display in my PHP page. How can I solve this? My code is <?php //Import the PhpJasperLibraryinclude_once('PhpJasperLibrary/tcpdf/tcpdf.php');include_once("PhpJasperLibrary/PHPJasperXML.inc.php");//database connection details$server="localhost";$db="mydb";$user="root";$pass="";$version="0.8b";$pgport=5432;$pchartfolder="class/pchart2"; //display errors should be off in the php.ini fileini_set('display_errors', 0);//setting the path to the created jrxml file$xml = simplexml_load_file("report/param1.jrxml");$PHPJasperXML = new PHPJasperXML();$PHPJasperXML->arrayParameter=array("acc_id"=>$P{parameter1})‌​);$PHPJasperXML->xml_dismantle($xml);$PHPJasperXML->transferDBtoArray($server,$user,$pass,$db);$PHPJasperXML->outpage("D"); //page output method I:standard output D:Download file?> What is the problem in my code.Anybody plz help its very urgent
  2. http://chathurangat.blogspot.in/2012/03/jasperreports-with-php.html helps u
  3. Hai Aisu, add the below code in your jrxml file. <background> <band height="842" splitType="Stretch"> <staticText> <reportElement mode="Opaque" x="0" y="0" width="595" height="842" backcolor="#FFFF00"/> <textElement/> <text><![CDATA[]]></text> </staticText> </band> </background>
  4. Hai, I create a report using ireport designer 4.5.0 and insert a graph in summary part. My problem is when click on the XML button i got the source code of summary is <summary> <band height="164" splitType="Stretch"> <barChart> <chart> <reportElement x="71" y="38" width="404" height="100"/> <chartTitle/> <chartSubtitle/> <chartLegend/> </chart> <categoryDataset> <categorySeries> <seriesExpression><![CDATA[""]]></seriesExpression> <categoryExpression><![CDATA[$F{exam_details_exam_name}]]></categoryExpression> <valueExpression><![CDATA[$F{exam_details_time}]]></valueExpression> </categorySeries> </categoryDataset> <barPlot> <plot/> <itemLabel/> </barPlot> </barChart> </band> </summary> but in jrxml source file it only displays <summary> <band height="42" splitType="Stretch"/> </summary> so i did not get the graph in my php page. when add the above code i got a blank page. Why this occure?? please give me an answer.
  5. http://chathurangat.blogspot.in/2012/03/jasperreports-with-php.html I think this link help you
  6. I download "php-sample.zip" (http://community.jaspersoft.com/project/php-client/releases) and execute in wamp. I get this warning Warning: require_once(SOAP/Client.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in D:wampwwwjaspclient.php on line 10 and a fatalerror Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'SOAP/Client.php' (include_path='.;C:phppear') in D:wampwwwjaspclient.php on line 10 how to avoid this error? What are the steps to implement a jasperreports in php and which tools are needed to implement reports.please help..
  7. I am trying to create a jasper report in jasper soft studio but i got "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver" this error when select the data source..Why this error occured..plz help
  8. when create jasper report in my php application what tools are needed to install in my computer,kindly help
  9. i want to create a simple jaspersoft report in my php application. I am new in jaspersoft. what are the steps to create the reprt in php application.
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