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Everything posted by terrylynnd

  1. Hi. I hope I can ask this question properly. I have two rows of data that has a variable column causing the rows to appear to be different. Is there a way to get iReports to read the data WITHOUT the variable as a duplicate and not print it? Thanx for your help!
  2. Tchen! I think I waited to long to comment on your answer, but IT WORKED beautifully and I truly appreciate your explanation. I actually understand what you did. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
  3. Tchen! I think I waited to long to comment on your answer, but IT WORKED beautifully and I truly appreciate your explanation. I actually understand what you did. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
  4. Hi, I am trying to determine if a request is considered old or new. If the request happened over a year ago, it is old, otherwise it is new. The catch is this.... It has to be more than a year ago based on the first day of the received month. So.... Request_DateReceived_DateStatus2/18/20132/28/2014New2/18/20133/1/2014Old2/18/20131/31/2014NewI can't even begin to determin how to handle this. I don't have trouble with IF/THEN statements, I am just not sure how to handle the date comparison. I have a parameter, new java.util.Date($F{RECEIVED_DATE}.getTime() + 365L*24*60*60*1000), that subtracts a year from the received date, but not sure what to do with it now. I know I am laying the burden on you all, but if someone can help me with this, I would really appreciate it. -Thanx! TL
  5. Thanx tchen. I tried that already. However, I just realized I was not capitalizing the "W". Thanx so much! It's working for me now. I am using this in a variable, not in the SQL query itself.
  6. Hi! I have been able to write a simple query that offers three responses that works great. However, I can't seem to figure out how to modify it so I can look to see if the first letter of the field begins with a "M". Does anyone know how I can do this? Here is the query I have created. ($F{DEVIATION_CATEGORY}.equals("Major Other")?"Other":$F{DEVIATION_CATEGORY}.equals("Major Treatment")?"Treatment":"MISSING") I need the query to ask if $F{DEVIATION_CATEGORY} begins with "M", instead of equals "Major Other". Any suggestions? Thanx !
  7. Hi, I am not sure this is the best question for what I need, but I'll explain as best I can. What I need is more detailed than what I will explain, but I just need to get started for now. By the way, I am VERY new to iReports. I have a list of values in a field. I need to break the field down into arrays of some sort and determine the current status. In the example below, I need to place the Budget Items and Dates in the "Budget_Status" array and the Quote Items and Dates in the "Quote_Status" array. The current status will be the "Budget_Status", since Budget Received contains the most recent date. It is okay if the current status is a statuc field of its own, as I am thinking this will work best grouped. Does this make any sense? I hope someone can help with this as I am not sure how to search for help on this. For Example: Checklist Item Checklist Date Budget Sent 1/1/2015 Budget Received 1/6/2015 Quote Sent 1/3/2015 Quote Reviewed 1/4/2015 Quote Received 1/5/2015 Thanx so much for time.
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