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Everything posted by stefan.menger

  1. I use JS Studio: In the MAP properties click on the "Marker List" button to access the Marker Dialog. THen add a property with the name "url" and set the value to the URL to your drill down report. The source code would be looking something like this: <c:markerData> <dataset/> <c:item> .... <c:itemProperty name="url" value="0"> <valueExpression><![CDATA["<LINK TO YOUR REPORT>"]]></valueExpression> </c:itemProperty> .... </c:item> </c:markerData>
  2. Thanks for the answer. However, due to severe bugs in 5.6 in functionality that I need I am currently stuck with 5.5.
  3. I have a dashboard which is embedded in another web page via iframes. The dashboard has all the "Jaspersoft trimmings" removed by using the "_flowId=dashboardRuntimeFlow&decorate=no&viewAsDashboardFrame" arguments. When I call this dashboard I first end up on the log in page. So far to good. But once I am logged in, I want to give the user the option to log out again. But since I have disabled the Dashboard decorations (see above) I need to find a way to "manually" provide a "logout-button" or "logout-link" of some sort. Does anybody know how to do that? Thanks!
  4. Correction: It does work - sort of... I did not realize that I had to check the "Summary with Page Header and Footer"-option.
  5. Hi Hozawa, Unfortunately that does not work either: The page selection box is still above the red header band and the header band is visible only on the first page. I also tried to put it in the column header band, same problems... Any other ideas?
  6. I have a report with a crosstab defined in the Summary band. FOr layout/cosmetic reasons I have added a read textbox showing the title and a frame to underlay the whole thing in grey. I have attached images that show the layout. I have run into two problems: 1) When I run the report, I get the page-selection box above the red textbox (Image P1) and when I now go to the next pages the textbox disappears (Image P2)which looks really ugly 2) So far I have not found any way to insert a page break after every line of the cross tab. Ideally I would want... the page-selection box to show up under the red title box (P1NEW)have the title box be visible all the time regardless on which page I am (P2NEW)and show only one line per page. (P1NEW and P2NEW)In the attached images I have mocked-this up. Does someone have an indea on how I could do this? Thanks so much!
  7. I want to assign a hyperlink to the Map component so that when I click on a marker on the map I can drill down to a different report. I could not find any documentation. I use the standard map component that is based on Google Maps. Can anybody give me a hint on how to do that? Thanks!
  8. Problem solved: I found the (or at least A) solution myself: In JSServer you have to go into the edit report funcitonality, remove the old input control (which was based on the parameter created in Studio) and create a new input control based on the previously created resource. If someone knows a better way of doing that (so that I don't have to delete the old parameter and create a new input control) please chime in!
  9. In JsStudio I have created a report that draws it data from a query with a "...where Location = $P{LocName}" clause. LocName is a string parameter. I export the report to JSServer. In JS Server I created a Single-Select based Input Control called LocName which is based on a query (select distinct LocationName from tblINput). I used the JS Server Admin document section 4.3 to create the resource. I did it via right-clicking on the repository where I want to store the resource. I can see my newly created input control in the rspective folder. So far so good. Now I want to use the report in a dashboard and select LocName via my input control. Hence I create a new dashboard, pull the report into the dashboard. I now would expect the LocName (single select) to appear under SpecialContents/SingleSelect. However I can not find my input control anywhere. Obviously I am missing a step. Can someone help me? Thanks!
  10. I am using the Map compenent in my report and popular the markers from my dataset. THe data points are distributed all over the US, however, when the map is generated the initial imiage is centered somewhere over the East Coast. How can I center the map properly, so that all markers are displayed. Is there a (hidden) parameter where I can specify lat/long for the centerpoint of the map? Thanks!
  11. I figured it out myself: Right-Click on the chart, select the "Edit Chart properties", then press the button "Show Advanced Properties". THen you can manipulate the style according to the reference: http://api.highcharts.com/highcharts
  12. Is it possible to modify the style that HTML5 charts use for drawing the lines? E.g. Timechart uses solid lines with dots as datapoints. How would I remove the dots, or change the line style from solid to dashed? THanks
  13. The samples that come with the JS Server install are really nice. However without examining them in JS Studio or some other way one can only guess how they were implemented. Is there away to "export" them to JStudio so that one can look at them in detail? Thanks!
  14. I have a dashboard that contains two reports. One of the reports drills down to other reports via the ReportExecution functionality: When I click on that report, the "drill-down" report opens up in the same spot. So far so good. For the second report I want to drill down to a new dashboard. I do that using the Reference functionality of the hyperlink. However, when I set the Target = Self, the new dashboard opens up in the window there the top level report had been. Here is the question: How can I drill down to a dashboard and take it over the same space/window as the top level dashbord (that contained the two initial reports)? Target=Blank will open it in a new window which is not acceptable.
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