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Everything posted by ethereal_robe

  1. I have a report for sales in iReports 3.7.6 For the properties of the sold items I have "stretch relative to tallest object" and it repeats depending on the number of items sold. The thing is, whether the number of items sold, or if the description of a single item is long enough that the report breaks into two pages, the field for "page X of Y" will not display on the first page, only on the last page, this happens regardless of "page x of y" being set on the Page Footer band or Last Page Footer band. Shouldn´t the report save some space for the footer regardless of the Detail 1 band stretching into a second page? Or is there any way to order reports to do so?
  2. I am currently using an XML datasource and I have the date patterns as well as the number pattern set up as dd/mm/yyyy and #,##0.00 respectively, however the data I am pulling from the fields with Xpath is not following this pattern. an example of a date I am catching is : 2014-02-12 16:00:15 while a price will appear as 40.0000000000. I also clicked on the aformentioned fields and went into properties, and under pattern I changed it to currency as the numbers refer to prices and set decimals to 2, the problem remains. I was told by a very knowledgeable person that I also need to change all numeric values from OPENERP to eitehr double or float, so I did change them from java.lang.string to double and set the pattern as currency with 2 decimals but the problems remains.
  3. This is what worked for me. $F{Estado-state}.equals("progress") ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE
  4. I want a textfield to be visible only when a condition is met, so I clicked on "print when expression" button and pull a field called "$F{state}". That state gets a string. What I want to do is catch when state = sent to make the textfield appear. I tried doing the following: $F{Estado-state} = sent but it does not work, I need help finishing this expression. The error I get when trying to generate a report is as follows: Report Error Failed to invoke method execute in class com.nantic.jasperreports.JasperServer: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed: calculator_Cotizaciones_1392769053109_320557: 817: class org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.CastExpression, with its value '(java.lang.String) field_Estado45state.getValue()', is a bad expression as the left hand side of an assignment operator at line: 817 column: 92. File: calculator_Cotizaciones_1392769053109_320557 @ line 817, column 92. 1 error
  5. I am using jasper reports and ireports generate...a report for sale orders on OpenERP7, more specifically quotations. I get the info from sale_order_reference_name but that only gives me the serialization ofthe orders, as in "XN-003" for example which would be the order number 3 for whatever XN stands for in the companmy, but in the page for OpenERP it goes like this. Quotation XN-003, and I would like to get all tha info there. Any insight with this?
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