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Everything posted by liam.cullen

  1. I want to run a Jasper Server Report from a Perl script (connect, sign on eg as jasperadmin, run a report from the repository, return the results) but cannot get it to work. I am baffled as to why there appears to be no information on this subject (use of Perl for Jasper Reports) anywhere... normally the Perl community is prolific, and I know that Perl and Jasper (ETL that is) have a bit of history. The only reference I can find to someone attempting the same thing, is an old post where the OP had the same error as me... (http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/522299/problem-runreport-using-perl-soaplite) ... the error being that the Tomcat default management page is returned. However, there is no solution provided, just a suggestion to check that JasperServer is running (it is). For another poster who tries to use Perl in a CGI script to run a Jasper Report, the suggested solution is to "use Java". There must be more information available on this subject, somewhere... this can't be that unusual a thing to attempt... Perl is the most concise, flexible and user-firendly (IMO) scripting language out there, and normally has an answer for everything...! I have tried both authenticating inline in the service URL, or separately passing credentials... but I must be doing something stupid, surely. What am I doing wrong? Code as follows... #!/usr/bin/perl -w use SOAP::Lite; $op_xml = "<request operationName="runReport" locale="en" >";$op_xml .= "<argument name="RUN_OUTPUT_FORMAT">PDF</argument>";$op_xml .= "<resourceDescriptor name="" wsType="reportUnit" uriString="/Reports/samples/SalesByMonth" isNew="false">";$op_xml .="</resourceDescriptor></request>"; my $soap = new SOAP::Litereadable => 1,service => 'http://jasperadmin:jasperadmin@HOST:PORT/jasperserver/services/repository?wsdl',uri => '/Reports/samples/SalesByMonth',proxy => 'http://HOST:PORT'; my $som = $soap->runReport($op_xml); foreach my $part (${$som->parts}) {print $part->stringify;}
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