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Everything posted by dgrigglestone

  1. How do I disable on a per-report basis? .. rather than tinker with .css, surely there is a configuration option that one can put in the .jrxml?
  2. What was the explicit example you are referring to. I was aware of the section you pointed me to, but alas I do not find any rewindable datasource that can take a JDBC datasource (http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/api/net/sf/jasperreports/engine/JRResultSetDataSource.html) and map it to a rewindable datasource .. nor can I find any pointer to logic that will do so. I am looking for an explicit example. If I end up writing myself, I'll try to post back here .. but hopefully someone has real code I can reuse.
  3. Thanks .. I understand what you have stated (sorry I thought that was implied by my comment about hacking of the html output to prove that point). What I am trying to understand is the explicit semantics for incorporating into a jasper report (jrxml).
  4. Not sure if this is even possible with current 5.5 studio interface .. however I was able to hack the saved html of a regular scatter chart to add an "identity line", so HighCharts certainly supports it. Imagine a dataset the has two cost items per row and I'm xy plotting one cost against the other. What I also want to show is an "identity line" from 0,0 to MAX(maxXCost,maxYCost),MAX(maxXCost,maxYCost). From wikipedia: “A scatter plot is also very useful when we wish to see how two comparable data sets agree with each other. In this case, an identity line, i.e., a y=x line, or an 1:1 line, is often drawn as a reference. The more the two data sets agree, the more the scatters tend to concentrate in the vicinity of the identity line; if the two data sets are numerically identical, the scatters fall on the identity line exactly.” Anyone happen to have done this and can provide an example? .. or maybe you can outline how to do it? Thanks
  5. Hi .. I have a very complex (expensive) query that needs to get passed to 4 sub-reports. Since a JDBC results set is not rewindable, I'm looking for a way that I can map the JDBC result set once into a rewindable data source and then pass that to the subreports. This sounds like something that someone else must have tried to solve before, so does anyone have a solution that can share?
  6. I have contacted Jaspersoft and no joy there .. they say not supported. Not sure why you say they won't be able to use their licensing with it, the standalone RCP app is eclipse too .. its just a plugin after all. If it works in RCP it should work in plain ole Eclipse .. unless they have coded it to fail, right?
  7. Could anyone please provide an example jrxml fragment that shows use of the HTML5 scatter chart (e.g. everything between <componentElement> ... </componentElement>). I have two fields from a query that I want to map to the x and y values and its just not obvious to me how you would do that. All the examples I can find are for column or pie charts.
  8. I have an existing Eclipse development environment and don't want to use the standalone Studio application. I have currently installed the 5.6beta from the Eclipse update site, however since I'm licensed for the professional version and want to make use of the HTML 5 charts I'd like to understand how to either install the professional version as an eclipse plugin or add the (HighCharts) HTML 5 charts to my existing Eclipse development environment. Has anyone done this already? What are the steps? Is there a professional version eclipse update site? .. etc. thanks, David
  9. Well not quite .. js-import is not the same as "Upload a Theme" .. I was able to achieve by uploading the theme and then exporting it. I could then on another system js-import the exported theme .. not quite what I wanted, but I guess it will have to do. Also wrt setting the theme .. I want to set the theme before the the server is started which means I can't use the REST interface.
  10. I know how to do it from the UI, but how can I upload and force use of a theme from the command line?
  11. Tried that .. I see the artifact pulled into my maven repo, but still see the problem. I did remember to explicitly add the dependency to the plugin dependencies... org.codehaus.mojo jasperreports-maven-plugin install compile-reports net.sf.jasperreports jasperreports ${jasperreports.version} net.sf.jasperreports jasperreports-functions ${jasperreports.version} javax.servlet servlet-api ${servlet-api.version}
  12. Heres the text field xml: <textField> <reportElement x="512" y="0" width="60" height="14" uuid="8535532f-79ea-42aa-9e46-808266c13cc7"/> <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[DATEFORMAT($F{costed_timestamp}, "YYYY-MM-dd")]]></textFieldExpression> </textField>
  13. I have a .jrxml file that compiles and runs fine with 5.6 beta (5.6.0.beta-v201401101537) in eclipse. When I try to compile outside of eclipse using the maven plugin (jasperreports-maven-plugin) I get errors on all the text fields that use a built-in function like DATEFORMAT, SUM, CEIL, etc.. The following is an example error: [ERROR] C:aPriorinikkotrunkjaspertargetjasperreportsjavaassembly45cost461461_1392270545994_381752.java:270: error: cannot find symbol [ERROR] value = DATEFORMAT(new java.sql.Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()), "YYYY-MM-dd"); //$JR_EXPR_ID=23$ [ERROR] ^ [ERROR] symbol: method DATEFORMAT(Timestamp,String) [ERROR] location: class assembly45cost461461_1392270545994_381752 I did have this compiling at one stage and I'm not sure what could have changed. At some stage I moved the .jrxml to a different subfolder and I also restarted eclipse, but otherwise I can't account for the issue. Does anyone have any suggested avenues for investigation? (anything! .. kinda at my wits end)
  14. I have a subreport that returns a HashMap<String, BigDecimal> that gets put in a report variable MY_MAP. Now in the calling report (or another subreport) I want to create a bar chart where each Map.Entry.getKey() represents the label for a bar and the Map.Entry.getValue() represents the size of the bar. I wont know the keys ahead of time and they will likley change each time the report is run. My map might be {Foo=10.4,Bar=3.21,Baz=111.98} the first time and {Bar=456.2,Acme=2..1} the next. I'm not calling direct from Java, rather using Studio or manual editing of jrxml to develop the report. Can anyone provide any guidence on how to create the chart or what approach I should be taking (ideally avoiding custom Java classes if possible). Example jrxml would be helpful.
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