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Everything posted by tsukebumi

  1. I would like to know how to do this too, if anybody is reading. I am using iReport 5.6 and jasperreports 6.2.2 I know that in excell any cell that starts with a quote (') is handled as text. That is what I need to do. Since I generate reports in both html, pdf and excel, I cannot just put the quote in the data. Thanks for any suggestion around this
  2. I have a report with a field filled with a java.lang.String value. This report generates an excel file and I need to format it as text. Currently using iReport 3.7.6 to generate de jrxml and jasper files and jasper 4.6.0 with a web application. I tried setting pattern format for rhe cell in the jasper report to @, but I guess it is not valid. On other 'numeric' fields with a given pattern I was able to use JRXlsAbstractExporterParameter.FORMAT_PATTERNS_MAP to give it a text format in excel with a map mapping the format '#,##0' to '@', but I have not been able to apply this way with the String field How can I do it? Could I do it with a newer jasper version ?
  3. I updated the oracle virtual machine from 1.6 to 1.7 and my reports are turning with a different font. Wherean I look to find the culprit? I am clue-less right now.
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