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Everything posted by tsareg

  1. Actually another option for you is to use Links mechanism. But first you need to design your chart report in JSS studio to support links. Then you can use http://community.jaspersoft.com/sites/all/libraries/pdf.js/web/viewer.html?file=http://community.jaspersoft.com/sites/default/files/docs/jasperreports-server-programming-guide.pdf#page=55&zoom=100,153,582.75 approach to handle clicks on "links".
  2. Currently Visualize.js supports only running reports. You cannot run Dashboards or AdHoc Views with it. Support of Dashboards will be added in future releases.
  3. Unfortunately, Visualize.js doesn't provide access to HighCharts internal object or events. However you can try to directly access HighCharts charts through DOM. For more information see this post on StackOverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/a/13051825
  4. Can you provide some samples on jsFiddle when you encounter such situation?
  5. To add s submenu you will need to perform follwoing actions: Open <js-webapp>/WEB-INF/actionModel-navigation.xml.Find there such lines: <context name="main_view_mutton" test="!banUserRole"><selectAction labelKey="menu.repository">Replace there this line: <option labelKey="menu.all" action="primaryNavModule.navigationOption" actionArgs="browse"/> with <selectAction labelKey="menu.all"><option labelKey="my.custom.action" action="primaryNavModule.navigationOption" actionArgs="myCustomAction"></option></selectAction>Open <js-webapp>/scripts/actionModel.primaryNavigation.js.Find there object navigationPaths and add there new property for your custom action: myCustomAction : {url : "<YOUR_URL>", params : "<ADDITIONAL_URL_PARAMS>"}Open <js-webapp>/WEB_INF/bundles/jasperserver_messages.properties.Add there label for your menu item: my.custom.action=My Custom Actionwith 4. Open /scripts/actionModel.primaryNavigation.js. 5. Find there object navigationPaths and add there new property for your custom action: browse : {url : "", params : ""} 6. Open /WEB_INF/bundles/jasperserver_messages.properties. 7. Add there label for your menu item: my.custom.action=My Custom Action 8. Restart your web-server for changes to take an effect.Restart your web-server for changes to take an effect.
  6. See http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/822673/how-i-can-change-marker-icon-map-component. This might be helpful.
  7. Hi, can you specify your problem in more details? What "Chart Types" link do you referring to? Can you maybe provide a screenshot? Also, see answer below.
  8. How are your themes set up? Are they loaded from local file system or from database? If from database, you'll need to rebuild JRS for changes to take effect. To determine, from where your CSS comes, see WEB-INF/applicationContext-themes.xml file in your deployment. Here you can try switching between CSS from local file system and database by commenting/uncommenting some settings there (there is guide in the header of file).
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