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Everything posted by chirag_1

  1. Found the problem..the database was getting re-created in the background while Jasper was holding on to the first instance, so it looked like there were caching issues while actually Jasper did not re-establish connection with the new database for a long while. I managed to prevent the re-creation of the database and then everything was fine. Isn't Linux fun .. lets you delete stuff even when it is in use and it doesnt tell you that something is using the file. Thanks for your help though :)
  2. That file does not exist in the community edition of Jasper and also we are not running ad-hoc reports.
  3. Hi, I am running reports with a SQLite database, however the data changes frequently. When I run a report the first time it takes the data from the database, however if I run it a second time, it produces the previous report rather than re-read data from the database. How can I make Jasper Server read from the database every time and generate the report. I have even used the REST api with freshData set to true when executing the report. Thanks in advance.
  4. Thanks for that, I probably would never have found that as I could not find the jrxmlFile in the Web API documentation. For anyone trying to do this in XML it would be the following POST URL: http://host:port/jasperserver/rest_v2/resources/pathToWhereTheReportIsGoingToGo Content-Type: application/repository.reportUnit+xml Sample Sample jrxml Base64EncodedStringOfJRXMLFile
  5. I am trying to deploy a JRXML from my computer to a Jasper Server using REST V2. Does anyone have a POST example that creates a report unit resource and at the same time upload a specified file to the server?
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