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Everything posted by sallywhite_123

  1. Hi Giulio, Thank you for your reply. I am currently using iReport plugin for Netbeans. May i know is there any Jaspersoft Studio plugin for Netbeans? I do not seem able to find one yet. Sally
  2. Hi, I understand "As of version 5.5.0, Jaspersoft Studio will be the official design client for JasperReports. iReport will remain as a supported product in maintenance-only mode until December 31, 2015, meaning we will continue to fix critical defects in upcoming releases but no new features will be added to the iReport client. Continue to maintain your existing reports with the new Jaspersoft Studio!" Does this mean any existing Netbeans applications using Jaspersoft iReport will have to port their applications to Eclipse Jasperstudio, after this date? Furthermore, does it also implies Jaspersoft iReport will no longer be upgraded to support newer versions of Java, after this date? Thanks, Sally
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