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Sukanya Parisa

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  1. I think it is considering as string like 15,16,17,18,19,2,21,22,23...it is considering numbers starting with 1 then again starting with 2, May be resolved by changing the variable type to integer if it is string type
  2. Hi, You can achieve this with Crosstab. Explore how to create Row Groups and Column Groups then you can design this by using Crosstab.
  3. Hi, I tried to retrieve image existed in network shared drive into jasper report. I am getting byte data not found error. If any one already faced thisissue, please through some light here.. Thanks in advance
  4. write a query for your boolean paramter as select case when $P{StringTypeParameter}='k' then 'true' else 'false' end from dual then if you select 'k' in the first parameter then your second parameter will get true in that.
  5. If you want scroll bar in the browser, then you can go for dashboard, there you can get vertical scroll bar for your report. But you can 't export in if you are using older versions .
  6. For this case, you need to execute that subreport before the textfield, then only you will get correct return value . And in the properties of SubReport to can find the ReturnValues tab, there you need to add SubReport Variable and Main Report Variable abd calucation type nothing. While creating the variable in main report the caluclation type should be System. Hope this will work :)
  7. Hi Valeria, If you see the properties of your subreport you can find the Expression , there you need to modify instead of MyDirectory/Subreport1.jasper place "repo:MyDirectory/Subreport1.jrxml".
  8. Follow the functions syntax mentioned in "applicationContext-semanticLayer.xml", If u want to add your own functions then u can add also. After add any functions restart ur jasper. Better take backup file before changes.
  9. check the running sum concepts in sql, it may helpful
  10. This error occures when u disable the Linked Resources in Jasper Studio Enable the Linked Resources , that u can find in the following path Jasper Studio->Window->Preferences and follow the below screen shot steps
  11. This error occures when u disable the Linked Resources in Jasper Studio Enable the Linked Resources , theat u can find the following path Jasper Studio->Window->Preferences and follow the below screen shot
  12. if you have ur mail like name@company.e.com then also it will work, end ur email with ".com" or some thing else u have, and check, it will work . I think no need to disable validations for this .
  13. This error comes because of not able to find files related to that reports or clashes beacuse of your customization files. check the customizations and replace the original files of jasper and check.
  14. For this try to manage in drill report query, In the query pass the date after change the date format....like your DateField=Cast(DateParameterValue from URL,'mm-dd-yyyy') If u manage like this in ur drill report query , then what ever the date format from url, throught query automatically it will change.
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