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Everything posted by llokk2007

  1. abhimanyu.prasad, I make a template in iReport, so I don't think its a reason, because when I make for example "PDF Preview" PDF creates correctly...in "report Query" I set "XPath", nodes of XML "tree", drug-and-drop fields, then in report I add fields to DetailField...
  2. Hello, I need some help:) I try to make pdf/html file from XML file in pdf I can see names of colomns, but in nodes: NULL NULL NULL NULL what can I do? p.s. sorry for my English))) my code: //so datasource is a way to XML file, xpath = "XPath", template is a way to .jrxml file, resultpath - name of report file(ends with .pdf or .html) public static void printpdfhtml(String datasource, String xpath, String template, String resultpath) { try { JRXmlDataSource ds = new JRXmlDataSource(datasource); JasperReport jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(template); JasperPrint print = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, new HashMap(), ds); if(resultpath.toLowerCase().endsWith("pdf")) JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(print, resultpath); else JasperExportManager.exportReportToHtmlFile(print, resultpath); } catch (JRException e) { log.info("Исключительная ситуация",e); e.printStackTrace(); } }
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