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Everything posted by bernie.obrigewitsch

  1. this did not work this is what i did new java.util.Date($P{BeginVisitDate}.getTime() - 3653L*24*60*60*1000)
  2. I figured this out... I created a parameter call ed 10yrdate, changed it to not use as a prompt. Than I used this code in the default expression. new java.util.Date($P{BeginVisitDate}.getTime() - 3653L*24*60*60*1000) the 3563 is the amount of days to subtract.. I started with 366 x 10, and had to adjust it until I got the right date.
  3. I added this DATEFORMAT(new java.util.Date($P{EndVisitDate}.getTime() - (1000*60*60*24*365*10)) ,"MM-dd-yyyy") and it does not error out now.. but my paramater date = 12/31/2013, result = 12-09-2013. so not subtracting from the year. I would need it to be 12/31/2003 as the result.
  4. I tried something like that, got errors. But what i need it $PBeginDate in it. So would DateFormat(new java.util.Data($PBeginDate.getTime() - (1000*60*60*24*365*10)), "MM-dd-yyy" work?
  5. I have tried doing that and it does not work.. I created a variable and tried to subtract 10 years from the parameter date (the user keys in), to get a new date. I got errors on the code. So, I am unsure of how to code it to get it to work. I know about the default value expressions but unable to get it working.. in my research most people say to do it in sql to make it easier
  6. I have a begin and end date parameter.. I need to calculate a end date that would be 10 years ago.. I am using Ireports.
  7. it is gouped by Measure and the series expression is Measure. Paramete entered is provider. So, for that provider I want it to show the first 4 measures on 1 page. than 2nd page would show the next 4 measures.
  8. I have One chart, but instead of it only showing once per page. I would like it to fill 4 charts to a page. I can get 2 by using the columns to 2, but I cannot get it to show 4. example: same chart 1 2 3 4
  9. I did get it working. by defining the Measureid in the main report, and assigning a default value of 1 to it.. I have my subreport data in the detail on the main report my subreport is placed in the Provider Group footer. Thank you for the help.
  10. OK thank you for you answer.. I will relook at how I did this, but thought I had completed all of these steps. The issue I think I'm having is, in the subreport I only want to pull Measure 1, while the main report is pulling all measures. I dont now how to only pass the 1 to the subreport to only get that data. I will be adding more subreports pulling 10 more measures, they will be indentical to the first, just pulling a different measure.. So once i get the one done, the rest will fall into place. I will post what i find out once i relook at what i did in the 2.
  11. Hi - fairly new to Ireports. Am writing a report and need subreports. My subreport works when i run test it, when I do the linking to the main report, the data does not return with the same values that it does when i run it by its self. The main report only returns the provider name , grouped by provider and Measure. the data is on the Provider Group ( only want 1 line returned per provider). The subreport has the same groupings, and is returning summary data for the provider. I have tried placing the data on the subreport, in the detail, measures and provider but it returns the same data each time.. Currently , i'm linking the provider and the begin and end dates. iF I add one for MEASURE-ID the data still is incorrect. Both supreports are attached I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong with the linking to make this happen. SQL from main report: SELECT Measure.`MeasureID` AS Measure_MeasureID, Measure.`MeasureName` AS Measure_MeasureName, Measure.`Target_P` AS Measure_Target_P, Report.`ReportID` AS Report_ReportID, Report.`ProName` AS Report_ProName, Report.`MeasureID` AS Report_MeasureID, SUM(Numerator), SUM(Denominator), Report.`Percent` AS Report_Percent, Report.`Exclude` AS Report_Exclude, Report.`Repdatetime` AS Report_Repdatetime, Report.`PassFail` AS Report_PassFail, Report.`ASDate` AS Report_ASDateFROM `Measure` Measure INNER JOIN `Report` Report ON Measure.`MeasureID` = Report.`MeasureID`WHERE Report.`ASDate` >= $P{BeginDate} and Report.`ASDate` <= $P{EndDate} and Denominator > 0Group byReport.`ProName` , Measure.`MeasureName` ORDER BY Report.`ProName` ASC, Measure.`MeasureName`, Report.`ASDate` ASC SQL from sub report : data on report is the avg-percent, measure-target-p . the AVG=Percent does not return to the main report correctlySELECT SUM(Numerator), SUM(Denominator), Round(AVG(Percent),2) AS AVG_Percent, Measure.`MeasureID` AS Measure_MeasureID, Measure.`MeasureName` AS Measure_MeasureName, Measure.`Target_P` AS Measure_Target_P, Report.`ProName` AS Report_ProName, Report.`MeasureID` AS Report_MeasureID, Report.`Percent` AS Report_Percent, Report.`ASDate` AS Report_ASDate, Report.`Denominator` AS Report_Denominator, Report.`Numerator` AS Report_NumeratorFROM `Measure` Measure INNER JOIN `Report` Report ON Measure.`MeasureID` = Report.`MeasureID`WHERE Denominator > 0 and Report.`ASDate` >= $P{BeginDate} and Report.`ASDate` <= $P{EndDate} and Report.`ProName` LIKE $P{Provider} and Report.`MeasureID` = 1Please help me with any suggestions or if you need more information
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