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Everything posted by mesaquenascimento

  1. I've added an image to illustrate the final look of the report.
  2. Hello, I have a web project using JasperReports + MySQL. I’ve been searching for a lot and haven’t found nothing like my case. To be clear, I’m a beginer with the iReport tool. I'm developing a report that will show a list of numbers (number of a internal document) grouped by clients. Internaly called by "papelote". Each "papelote" will be formated to fits into a label. the main portion of my query is: SELECT C.NM_FANTASIA, C.CD_INTERNO, GROUP_CONCAT( D.NR_DOCUMENTO SEPARATOR ', ') NR_DOCUMENTO FROM CLIENTE CINNER JOIN DOCUMENTO D ON C.CD_CLIENTE = D.CD_CLIENTEGROUP BY C.CD_CLIENTE [/code] The trouble is: the $F{NR_DOCUMENTO} may return a big String and I need thats fits into the label and if not, create another label with de client data and the rest of $F{NR_DOCUMENTO}, not printed before. I can't use "strech with overflow" because labels has a fixed height. Can anyone give me a light to solve this? (Sorry for my bad english) EDIT: The report needs to look like that:
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