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--> <li id="tabular_fourColumn_resources:leaf" class="resources"> <div class="wrap button draggable"> <div class="column one"> <div class="scheduled icon button"></div> <div class="separator"></div> <div class="disclosure icon button"></div> </div> <div class="column two"> <h3 class="resourceName"><a></a></h3> <p class="resourceDescription"></p> </div> <div class="column three resourceType"></div> <div class="column four"> <p class="createdDate"></p> <p class="modifiedDate"></p> </div> </div> </li> </ul> <!-- Template used for list of resources in search --> <ul id="tabular_fourColumn_resources_sublist" class="list collapsible tabular resources fourColumn sublist"> <!-- Template of resource item in the list States (possible class name changes) : * first - if item is first in the list * last - if item is last in the list * leaf - default item. * node - if has children resources (e.g. Report Options). * open - if resource has children and they showed * closed - if resource has children and they hidden * selected - if item is selected in the list * scheduled - if resource is scheduled --> <li id="tabular_fourColumn_resources_sublist:leaf" class="resources"> <div class="wrap button draggable"> <div class="column one"> <div class="scheduled icon button"> </div> <div class="separator"></div> <div class="disclosure icon button"> </div> </div> <div class="column two"> <h3 class="resourceName"><a></a></h3> <p class="resourceDescription"></p> </div> <div class="column three resourceType"></div> <div class="column four"> <p class="createdDate"></p> <p class="modifiedDate"></p> </div> </div> </li> </ul> <!-- Template used for list of users in user management --> <ol id="tabular_threeColumn" class="list tabular collapsible threeColumn"> <!-- Template of resource item in the list States (possible class name changes) : * first - if item is first in the list * last - if item is last in the list * selected - if item is selected in the list --> <li id="tabular_threeColumn:leaf" 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if item is first in the list * last - if item is last in the list * selected - if item is selected in the list --> <li id="tabular_oneColumn:leaf" class="leaf"> <div class="wrap"> <div class="column one"> <p class="uri"></p> </div> </div> </li> </ol> <!-- Template used for list of role in role management --> <ol id="tabular_twoColumn:roles" class="list tabular twoColumn"> <!-- Template of resource item in the list States (possible class name changes) : * first - if item is first in the list * last - if item is last in the list * selected - if item is selected in the list --> <li id="tabular_twoColumn:roles:leaf" class="leaf"> <div class="wrap button "> <div class="column one"> <h3 class="ID"></h3> </div> <div class="column two"> <p class="organization"></p> </div> </div> </li> </ol> <!-- Template used for list of role in role management --> <ol id="tabular_oneColumn:roles" class="list tabular collapsible oneColumn"> <!-- Template of resource item in the list States (possible class name changes) : * first - if item is first in the list * last - if item is last in the list * selected - if item is selected in the list --> <li id="tabular_oneColumn:roles:leaf" class="leaf"> <div class="wrap button "> <div class="column one"> <h3 class="ID"></h3> </div> </div> </li> </ol> <!-- Template used for list of resource children list in search (e.g Report Options)--> <ol id="tabular_twoColumn_resources" class="list tabular resources twoColumn"> <!-- Template of resource child item in the list States (possible class name changes) : * selected - if item is selected in the list * scheduled - if resource is scheduled --> <li id="tabular_twoColumn_resources:leaf" class="resources leaf"> <div class="wrap button "> <div class="column one"> <div class="scheduled icon button"></div> </div> <div class="column two"> <h3 class="resourceName"><a></a></h3> <p class="resourceDescription"></p> </div> </div> </li> </ol> <!-- Template used for list of permissions for resource--> <ul id="tabular_twoColumn_setLeft" class="list setLeft tabular twoColumn"> <!-- Template of permission item for user or role --> <li id="tabular_twoColumn_setLeft:leaf" class="leaf"> <div class="wrap"><b class="icon"></b> <p class="column one"><a class="launcher"></a></p> <p class="column two"><select></select></p> </div> </li> <li id="tabular_twoColumn_setLeft:loading" class="leaf loading"> <div class="wrap"><b class="icon"></b> <p class="column one"><a class="launcher"></a></p> <p class="column two"></p> </div> </li> </ul> <ul id="inputControls_option_list" class="list setLeft tabular twoColumn"> <li id="inputControls_option_list:header" class="leaf"> <div class="wrap header"><b class="icon" title=""></b> <p class="column one"> <span class="label">Input Control</span> </p> <p class="column two"> <span class="label">URL Parameter Name</span> </p> </div> </li> <li id="inputControls_option_list:control" class="leaf"> <div class="wrap"><b class="icon" title=""></b> <div class="column one"> 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The Heartbeat data is used for the purposes set forth in the TIBCO Jaspersoft Heartbeat Privacy Policy web page at <a target="_blank" href="http://www.jaspersoft.com/heartbeat">www.jaspersoft.com/heartbea... class="message"> Our privacy policy is at <a target="_blank" href="http://www.jaspersoft.com/privacy">www.jaspersoft.com/privacy<... <div class="control checkBox"> <label class="wrap" for="heartbeatCheck" title="Opt-in to the collection of heartbeat data"> Opt in for JasperReports Server Heartbeat </label> <input class="" id="heartbeatCheck" type="checkbox" checked="checked"/> </div> </div> <div class="footer " > <button id="" class="button action primary up"> <span class="wrap">OK</span><span class="icon"></span> </button> </div> </div> </div> <!--/WEB-INF/jsp/templates/aboutBox.jsp revision A--> <!--/WEB-INF/jsp/templates/container.jsp revision A--> <div id="aboutBox" class="panel dialog aboutBox overlay moveable centered_horz centered_vert hidden centered_vert centered_horz" > <div class="content hasFooter " > <div class="header mover" > <div class="title">About TIBCO JasperReports Server</div> </div> <div class="body " > <!--/WEB-INF/jsp/templates/container.jsp revision A--> <div class="control groupBox fillParent" > <div class="content " > <div class="header " ><div class="title"></div></div> <div class="body " > <p class="message">Product Edition: <span class="emphasis">Professional for AWS</span></p> <p class="message">Features: <span class="emphasis">Fusion AHD EXP DB </span></p> <p class="message">Product Version: <span class="emphasis">6.0.1</span></p> <p class="message">Build: <span class="emphasis">20141218_0139</span></p> <p class="message">License Type: <span class="emphasis">Commercial</span></p> <p class="message">Expiration: <span class="emphasis">None</span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="footer "> <button class="button action primary up"> <span class="wrap">Close</span><span class="icon"></span> </button> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> //common URL context var urlContext = "/jasperserver-pro"; var defaultSearchText = ""; var serverIsNotResponding = "The server is slow or isn't responding. 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  2. We are running an instance of Jaspersoft Pro Report Server via AWS Marketplace hourly. I am unable to connect Studio Pro to Jaspersoft Pro Report Server. A connection via browser to Jaspersoft Pro Report Server works OK. Attempt to connect via Studio Pro generates a very long error message which follows. This connection works fine via browser but does not connect via Studio: http://ec2-54-175-85-71.compute-1.amazonaws.com/jasperserver-pro/login.html/ I created a "studio" user ID in Jaspersoft Pro Report Server. The “studio” user ID is set to ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR. I can successfully log in using the “studio” user ID and password via the browser. I am unable to connect to the server via Studio.
  3. This issue is resolved. The problem was a permissions issue in Redshift.
  4. I am unable to create a derived table on AWS JRS Pro (hourly). Queries return: ********* The query encountered an error: com.jaspersoft.commons.semantic.metaapi.MetaDataException: Cannot execute JDBC Query. org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: permission denied for relation public.test_table********* The queries all run successfully from our DB management tools. JRS can successfuly query the database for the list of tables and attributes to build the domain, so it has authenticated into Redshift. Thanks
  5. [RESOLVED] Thank you for the detailed answer and suggestions. The background information on the discovery/security/connection and the corresponding use of the roles and keys was helpful to understand the overall architecture. In this particular case, the solution was in the Redshift security group: Security Group: Redshift: "public-dw-redshift" Added: Allow Port: ZZZZ Inbound: XX.XX.XX.XX/32 Port: ZZZZ Outbound: XX.XX.XX.XX/32 Where ZZZZ = Redshift port XX.XX.XX.XX = JRS EC2 instance public IP address RE: Public DNS Sorry for the confusion. That is the EC2 "Step 3: Configure Instance Details" launch option: "Public IP - Automatically assign a public IP address to your instances" In this case, it appears that if you launch the JRS EC2 instance with that option you must explicitly enable traffic to and from that public IP address with the Redshift port in the Redshift security group.
  6. Thank you for the update and the escalation. Additional information: I have tested the Redshift user ID and password and it is valid and can connect to Redshift. This is an installation of the AWS Marketplace Jaspersoft product. AMI: Jaspersoft BI Professional for AWS v5.1-855efcad-bd21-459e-8a9b-6d0068a0b46c-ami-2fa4c946.1 (ami-333a4e5a) EC2 instance IAM role: JaspersoftReportServerRole-06-JRSInstanceProfile-xxxxxxxxxxxxx ( this role was created for this instance as per the instructions in "Jaspersoft Professional For AWS Guide Release 5.0.3") Both Redshift and the JSR EC2 instance are in the same subnet: "public-dw-redshift" Redshift and the JSR EC2 instance are each in their own Security Group: Redshift: "public-dw-redshift" JSR: "public_jaspersoft_report_server" Note that the JSR "public_jaspersoft_report_server" security group is seperate from the Security Group automatically created during the installation. The JSR auto-created security group is: JRSSecurityGroup_i-XXXXXXXX-XX Both the Redshft and the JSR security groups have "allow all traffic" inbound and outbound rules to each other. The subnet "public-dw-redshift" has its own routing table that routes external traffic directly to the internet gateway: local igw-XXXXXXXX
  7. I should add that the data source URL was tried with both the auto-provided by JRS URL and manually copy-and-pasted from the Redshift instance info page.
  8. This is a new instance of AWS JRS. The JRS instance was created via the EC2 console due to VPC The JRS instance can connect to an RDS MySQL instance in this VPC with no problems. The JRS instance is unable to connect to a Redshift instance in this VPC. The JRS data source connection test errors out. The summary error is: Connection refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections. There may be a problem with the JDBC URL, AWS Security Settings or the AWS Data Source recovery process, which can take up to 2 minutes. *** Verbose version of the error is attached. Environment: VPC JRS and Redshift are in the same subnet JRS and Redshift are in seperate security groups JRS security group and Redshift security group are set to allow "all traffic" from the other security group The JRS instance was created with the following role: {"Statement":[{"Resource":"*","Action":["rds:Describe*","rds:AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngress","rds:CreateDBSecurityGroup","rds:RevokeDBSecurityGroupIngress","rds:ModifyDBInstance","redshift:Describe*","redshift:AuthorizeClusterSecurityGroupIngress","redshift:CreateClusterSecurityGroup","redshift:RevokeClusterSecurityGroupIngress","redshift:ModifyCluster","ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups","ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress","ec2:CreateSecurityGroup","ec2:RevokeSecurityGroupIngress],"Effect":"Allow"}] }The JRS instance has a public DNS The JRS instance security group includes: Inbound: 80 22 All (Redshift security group) Outbound: All All (Redshift security group) The Redshift security group includes: Inbound: 5439 (JRS security group) Outbound: 5439 (JRS security group) The Redshift instance is also assigned to the security group creatd by the JRS test proceedure. That security group includes: Inbound: 0 - 65535 (JRS IP address/32) Outbound: All The connection was also tested and failed with user credentials (access key and secret key) with a policy of: {"Statement":[{"Resource":["*"],"Action":["rds:Describe*","rds:AuthorizeDBSecurityGroupIngress","rds:CreateDBSecurityGroup","rds:RevokeDBSecurityGroupIngress","rds:ModifyDBInstance","redshift:Describe*","redshift:CreateClusterSecurityGroup","redshift:RevokeClusterSecurityGroupIngress","redshift:AuthorizeClusterSecurityGroupIngress","redshift:ModifyCluster","ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups","ec2:RevokeSecurityGroupIngress","ec2:CreateSecurityGroup","ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress"],"Effect":"Allow"}]} *********************** Any input or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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