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  1. Hi all, I have a report that retrieves 3 attributes attr1, attr2, attr3 from first database, including a subreport that retrieves another attribute attr4 from a second database, and calculates attr5 = attr 2 / attr4. That works so far; the values are displayed correctly. Now I want to sort the report by attr5. I found the <sortfield> tag, but I need to get the attr5 value from the subreport into the main report. The Return Values property of the subreport seems t do that work, but I get null as return value. In detail: I have defined a variable $V{returnvalue} in the subreport and a variable $V{returnvalue} in the main report; but I am confused, because in the Add/modify dialog for Return value definition I do not get that variable in the list of Subreport variables, the list contains only the five predefined variables PAGE_NUMBER, COLUMN_NUMBER, REPORT_COUNT, PAGE_COUNT, COLUMN_COUNT (the main report variable is selectable in that list). Should my variable be available in the selection list once I have defined it correctly? And certainly I need to set the Variable Expression in the subreport, but what is the correct syntay? I tried "$V[returnvalue}=$F[attr5}", "=$F{attr5}" , "$F{attr5}", without the apostrophes of course; none of them works. Thanks for any hint.
  2. Hi, I also got the idea of NLS_LANG. But how can I check (or change) the NLS_LANG and jdbc driver version? Best regards Gerhard
  3. Hi all, I succeeded in generating several reports using iReport. To access and manipulate the database (Oracle database) I use SQLdeveloper. I know in iReport the reportQuery window and there the Refresh Preview Data button, where I can check the result for the actual SQL query. But sometimes this button generates another result than the same query in SQLdeveloper: - iReport finds an invalid SQL syntax, where SQLdeveloper accepts the query (or vice versa) - iReport outputs two or none records where SQLdeveloper outputs 10 - iReports outputs a date as "03-JAN-14" where SQLdeveloper outputs it as "03.01.14" I assume that iReport uses another local language than specified on my machine, but I don´t find a specification of the used language in iReprt settings. Can anyone help me? Thanks and best regards Gerhard
  4. Hi all, I am trying to write a report with subreport, connecting to two Oracle databases. The main report without subreport is working, the subreport alone is also working, also other single reports connecting the secondary database are successful. I included the subreport into the main report, but I get: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified I assume that my connection expression string is not correct. What do I have to pass to connect to the secondary Oracle database, if the values are: Server IP address: JDBC driver: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver Port: 1521 SID: orcl username: user password: pass Or what else causes the ORA-12705, if it is not the wrong connection expression? Thanks and best regards Gerhard
  5. Is it possible to generate a table that shows some kind of "all entries" in a table, and within this table to mark entries with certain attribute conditions? I think of one query that results "all entries", and another query with an additional condition, that results a subset of the first result (lets say "aqll critical entries"). So I want to generate a table where the matches of the second query are marked for example by red cell background (where the lines should be alternately light and a bit dark), or by an image in an additional column that points on all critical entries, or any other way to mark entries matching the second query.
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