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  1. If you are using version 5.5 of Jasper Studio, this is a version problem of the metadata and does not work for MySQL, try the beta version 5.6 works best.
  2. I have a map component in may jasper Studio Report, but I need to change the marker icon with a custom marker icon, can anybody helpme please.
  3. I tried the version 5.6.0 of Jasperstudio, I use MySQL as the database, it is now possible to see the tables could not see before, but when making inquiries with this visual diagram puts quotes to sql language which marks Error since MySQL does not accept the SELECT field, field FROM table with the quotes and you need to remove them manually. Schedule an example: SELECT "sicdatos"."transfcfe_mstr"."no_transbanco", "sicdatos"."transfcfe_mstr"."no_bancotransf", "sicdatos"."transfcfe_mstr"."no_cuentacfe", "sicdatos"."transfcfe_mstr"."arch_foto", "sicdatos"."transfcfe_mstr"."fecha_censo" FROM "sicdatos"."transfcfe_mstr" as you can see put quotes and quotes should not take for MySQL. Thank you.
  4. I want access jasperserver from internet, but I have a dynamic ip, I've cnfigurado my router to let pass port 8080 and I have also configured a dnshost with NO-IP which is always addressing my dynamic IP that the ISP assigns. However I can not access from internet to jasperserver, I see the http://midnshost/jaspersever/login.html page, which I can do about it. thanks
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