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Posts posted by gowthamsenmca

  1. Hi,

    I am using this adapater. In order to specify the date pattern, I am using net.sf.jasperreports.json.date.pattern property to let jaspersoft know the date pattern appears in the JSON data. This is working fine. Now I want to expose the report as a topic. When I create adhoc view, I am getting exceptions on date fields. Is there any way, we can set configuration for this adapater about date patterns?

    Please suggest.



  2. Hi,

    I would like to know how to define "ALL" for input control queries. I am following below syntax for input conrol values which is working fine. But I want to add "ALL" as an additinoal value.

    The working format without "ALL" value

      "fieldsMap" : {
        "key" : "key"
      "getparameters" : { },
      "fields" : [ {
        "name" : "key",
        "expression" : "key"
      } ],
      "options" : {
        "contentType" : "application/json",
        "rootPath" : "aggregations.groupby_value.buckets",
        "baseUrl" : "groupby_value(field='cityName')"
      "headersMap" : { },
      "queryData" : "",
      "GETParameters" : { }
  3. PhantomJS is installed on the computer hosting JasperReports® Server. For information on configuring PhantomJS for dashboards, see the System Configuration chapter in the JasperReports® Server Administrator Guide.

  4. HI,

    I defined few custom roles to control menu navigation for Create Report, Create Adhoc, Create Dashboard and Create Domain. 

    The conditions defined as part of actionModel-navigation.xml is working well for ROLES defined at ROOT level. But if I create the same ROLE at tenant or organization level, the menu control is not working.

    These new custom roles are present in all my organizations. I have close to 500 organizations. I want to apply the menu control navigation to all these tenants.

    Any one please suggest, how to enable menu control navigation to roles for all tenants? I am able to do it by specifing "|" symbol and tenant name. But I want to apply it to all tenants.

    Please help.

    Best Regards


  5. I looked at the Report State. Somehow its not displaying the information in the Console section in ReportState Pane. I raised a issue with Jasper Soft Support Team on the same.


    One more last quesiton I would like to check with you. Can a script returns data collection and multi dimensional array? I would like to know if I can use the result of scriptlet as a source dataset for Charts. This would help in dealing with complex calcuations.


    Best Regards


  6. Thank you Ankur for your response. I have couple of questions on the way scriptlets work.


    1. There are some methods beforeDetailAvail, BeforeReportInit(), AfterReportInit() and so on. I have defined system.out.println(). But when I run the report, the output is not being deisplayed in the report by default. My understanding is that, these default methods will be called whenever we define a scriptlet and assign to the report.


    2. After using scriptlet function, we run the report first time. Assuming that the values appear correctly. When we referesh the report to fetch latest data, does scriptlet uses previously saved values?


    Please share your thoughts on this. Thanks a lot!

  7. Hi,

    I have a requirement where I would need to perform calculation as % over total.

    Here is the sample data format I am looking for. 

    ProductTypeSales% over Type Sales

    I tried multiple ways to reach this layout. But I am not succedded. I tried using Grouping over details band. I also tried using Cross tab.

    Any suggestions or help is very much appreicated.

    Best Regards


  8. Hi,

    I have created a report using domain. I am facing the following issues:

    1. Data Preview tab is not showing data.

    2. Drag and drop option for selecting fields from domain for report is not working. I need to manually edit the xml text fields.

    When the report is exported, the report is showing data as expected from Jasper Server. But the same is not showing any data in Jasper Studio.

    Any help is useful.



  9. Hi,

    I created a scriptlet to define a custom method. The custom method captures the last 2 values and do an average with the current value. Its like 3 month Moving average. 

    This is working fine when placing the custom method using a text field or a variable in the Details section.

    I would like to use the same in charts. I created a chart in Summary Band. It seems, the calculation is not working.

    Any suggestion please?

    Best Regards


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