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Everything posted by javianjava

  1. I need to merge the cells which are having same data in multiple rows of a same column.
  2. Friends, while I was generating excel sheet,to merge the cells in columns which are having same data, I am using this logic. Logic is, I am using subreport for each column in report/excel sheet.in subreport I need the same value of main report query resulted, as parameter value which I want to assign as value in where condition of subreport query.
  3. I changed bigint to varchar.it is working fine, in my procedure.
  4. Hi friends, My procedure is CALL GET_LOST_PROPERTY_Info_DETAILS1($P{PropertyRegNo},$P{LangCd}) My database is MySQL. I am unable to compile my jrxml file. I am using SQL query language and parameters types are BIGINT and INT in database. I am new to use procedures in iReport. Please let me know the steps to get result of procedure in a report. Exception is as fallows in IReport. java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1 at java.util.Vector.elementAt(Vector.java:430) at javax.swing.JTabbedPane.getTitleAt(JTabbedPane.java:1091) at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI$Handler.updateHtmlViews(BasicTabbedPaneUI.java:3564) at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI$Handler.componentAdded(BasicTabbedPaneUI.java:3699) at java.awt.Container.processContainerEvent(Container.java:2067) at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Container.java:2038) at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Component.java:4630) at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Container.java:2099) at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Component.java:4460) at java.awt.Container.addImpl(Container.java:1085) at javax.swing.JTabbedPane.insertTab(JTabbedPane.java:703) at javax.swing.JTabbedPane.addTab(JTabbedPane.java:777) at javax.swing.JTabbedPane.add(JTabbedPane.java:814) at com.jaspersoft.ireport.designer.logpane.IRConsoleTopComponent.updateLogTabs(IRConsoleTopComponent.java:87) at com.jaspersoft.ireport.designer.logpane.IRConsoleTopComponent.createNewLog(IRConsoleTopComponent.java:202) at com.jaspersoft.ireport.designer.compiler.IReportCompiler.run(IReportCompiler.java:237) at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Task.run(RequestProcessor.java:572) [catch] at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Processor.run(RequestProcessor.java:997)
  5. Check your report properties , like... wheather, the WHEN NO DATA property is set to All sections,No data of all reports.subreport query is returning data or not.use the proper datasource which you have configured successfully.If your font is other than English, set the right font properties to that fields.check the database connection properly.Individually,confirm all subreports and main report are running successfully.check the java code for proper datasource ,fill manager and pdf exporters.
  6. I kept all my fields and subreports in TITLE band and SUMMERY band.It is working fine. As of know I solved the problem without using DETAILS band. If i need to use details band also, how to configure my DETAILS band , static text,data fields and subreports which would be in DETAILS band ?
  7. I kept all my fields and subreports in TITLE band and SUMMERY band.It is working fine.As of now I solved the problem without using DETAILS band.
  8. Hi, I am new to generate PDF using iReport. I am trying to generate PDF file using iReport, MYSQL, Java Swing and Netbeans. In my main jasper file, i have two subreports. Inside that two subreports,i have 6 subreports in each. I am getting whole data in PDF exactly what I want, but, It is repeating and generating two pages. My query is fine I am getting single record in Main report. In subreports ,it may come multiple records. Please let me know if any solution for this case. Thanks & Regards - - -Javian
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