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Everything posted by erik.dittert

  1. hi, please see here: if a ü ä ö or so is in path i cant open the pdf files, how can i fix it?
  2. mhhh i looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/usNzjxm.png
  3. exakt, it's a multiselect input control in a report. i use german...
  4. yes! you are right, to get the complete list of files you need to set "limit" paramter to 0 like this:
  5. hi, i try to list all files in repository folder with rest api like this: in this folder are much more than 100 files, but i only get 100 elements. where ist it limited?
  6. hi, i searching and searching but i dont find any solution. i have a date paramter that passes to the query in format 'Mon Mar 30 00:00:00 CEST 2015', where can i change it to something like: '2015-03-31 00:00:00' i hope you know where i can change it? Thx! Erik
  7. it seems jasperserver parse the datetime wrong to the input control, but where can i check it?
  8. Hi, i want to set to one paramter default value to current time, so i set in ireport in Default Value Expreession "new java.util.Date()". In iReport it works realy well and is correct (26.02.2015 16:46:15). In Jasperserver it cuts the time so the default value is ONLY 26.02.2015 00:00:00. how can i get it work? Thx! Erik
  9. mhhhh i dont get it, i see still a empty column? how can i REMOVE this column look here: http://i.imgur.com/DPqDW99.png
  10. yes but the timestamp will be add ad the end of the filename, i need it in the middle...
  11. hi, is it possible to schedule some jobs and show the name of the job in the report? for example i name a job "test1" and in the report in the header i want to display "this is the report for test1" you know what i mean? Thx! Erik
  12. we have 100 or more Reports... So its not a good idea to make for every Report a extra DB Connection...
  13. in database settings is no problem, but i need it per report? /sites/default/files/images/2014-11-03%2015_54_58-Jaspersoft_%20Datenquelle%20bearbeiten.jpg
  14. in php is easy with "pg_query("SET application_name = 'Test log line'");"
  15. Hi, is it possbile to set the current report name as application name for postgres db to detect which report takes big resources? Thx! Erik
  16. i have a own written jar files which some functions to calculate dynamic dates. it works realy well in ireport and jasperserver but i cant get it run in jasper studio 5.6.0 how can i do this?
  17. hi, has somebody else from germany the problem with scheduling a report? the problem is the german date format for the startDate? i described the problem here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/jasperreports-server/issues/3637 Thx! Erik
  18. im confused, such a old major bug and after months still not solution? crazy
  19. i have exact the same problem, i dont use pro version so url should be http://IP:8080/jasperserver/services/repository. Same config works well on ireport 5.0.1 What is going wrong?
  20. Hi, i use $X{IN, <column_name>, <parameter_name>}$X{IN, <column_name>, <parameter_name>} in my querys. But its very slow (3-5 Minutes to generate a report). when i changed it to: where id in ($P!{list})[/code]and use a parameter: $P!{list} = org.springframework.util.StringUtils.collectionToCommaDelimitedString($P{list_ids}) its much faster (10 seconds) Did you know why? Thx!
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