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Everything posted by suhov_vb

  1. I solved the problem. There are 2 possible answers: 1. Change DataSource pool size parameter (second argument) of dataSourceObjectPoolFactory bean constructor in /jasperserver/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml file (default is 5): Reload application after saving changes. 2. Use JNDI source instead of JDBC source and set JNDI connection following JasperReports Server Admin Guide or Appache Tomcat documentation: http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/jndi-datasource-examples-howto.html
  2. But how to do it? I tried to control it via maxActive parameter of the Resource element in the /etc/tomcat6/Catalina/localhost/jasperserver.xml and /META-INF/context.xml in JasperServer install dir. Both didn't work.
  3. We use JasperReports Server Community Edition (v. 5.2). We use jdbc source in our reports. I noticed that JasperServer opens maximum 5 connections to the source and next attempts to open a connection wait for connection release. I'd like to increase that limit. I tried to follow next document: http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-tune-number-connections-server-database-pool But changes to context.xml (and restart tomcat) didn't affect on the number of opening connections. Please help us to set it.
  4. Hi, Everyone! I'm a newbie in JasperServer and I'm trying to figure out if there any possibility in JasperServer Community Eddition to monitor user sessions and running jobs and make statistical reports on user activities. "WEB-INF/applicationContext-audit.xml" configuration file, mensioned in JASPERREPORTS SERVER ADMINISTRATOR GUIDE, is not presented in Community Eddition, as far as I understand (I didn't find it in my installation). I tried to select from repository tables, but the scheme is not so obvious to use it without reference and some of the tables (for example jireportjob) does not contain any data. Does any reference exist? Could you please help me with the topic? Thank you in advance! Regards Vladimir
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