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Everything posted by bradley

  1. Hey there, I've created a report featuring a table with filterable / sortable columns on Jasper Server. The column filter dialogue is 700 px wide on the web, and I'm wondering if there's any way I can customize this to something like 500 px. The reason I would like to customize it is that when I use this report in a dashboard, the iFrame containing the report and table is only 500 px wide and the filter dialogue is cut off. I've been trying to figure this out on my own by looking at the html files using Safari's Web Inspector. I see that the width appears to be controled my a form with id = jive_form_columnfilter (see my attachment - you can see the report and the html code that seems to control the dialogue). In the attachment I've changed the width value to 500 px and you can see the result, but how can I actually edit this file? There must be a file somewhere on the server I can change. Anyway, thanks in advance! Bradley
  2. Hey, I'm using Jasperserver Professional 5.5 to create a 2 report dashboard with input controls. The input controls and reports work fine, but I am now having trouble aligning the input control labels with the input controls. I initially tried to drag the elements into alignment which was impossible to get right (literally, the dashboard elements jump around 4 pixels at a time), but then I read a guide and found I could hold Command and use the arrow keys to do pixel-perfect adjustments. However, whenever I save the dashboard and view it, some of the free text elements move out of alignment again... I go back to edit the dashboard and find that, indeed, the free text fields have slightly (or not so slightly) shifted out of alignment. They seem to be trying to snap to some invisible grid. This is an OCD designer's worst nightmare! :D Is it actually possible to align the dashboard elements in this way? Why do they move after the dashboard is saved? Thank you! Bradley
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