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  1. Platform is jasperserver 5.1 Enterprise. I've looked at MTUserAuthorityServiceImpl and UserAuthorityServiceImpl and the updateUser method is from the latter. It does not take tenant into account, an hence when I try to call: ((MTUserAuthorityService)getUserAuthorityService()).updateUser(exCtx, userName, user); it does not find what MTUserAuthorityServiceImpl has already loaded with getUser: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot find user with name : kho0404ikt at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.user.service.impl.UserAuthorityServiceImpl.updateUser(UserAuthorityServiceImpl.java:1696) I thought I could make it by way of a little hack by using updateTenantForUser since it also saves the user, but the changes were not persisted for some reason. I have changed e-mail and name. Is there a way to do this by the official API? If not how would you recommend to proceed? My plan would perhaps be to subclass MTUserAuthorityServiceImpl and add the "missing" method.
  2. Ah, I got it working when I put the ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR as a default internal role by now, so I was googling about for method security config. Thanks a bunch!
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