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Everything posted by ocascante

  1. Using google chrome to access jasper server, folders are not displayed and logout button does not work. Jasperserver version 6.2.1 and google chrome 52.0 Computer with Mint 18
  2. The tests performed in firefox, google chrome and internet explorer. Interestingly, version 6.2.1 was installed and this version does not have that problem. It seems to be a bug in 6.3.0
  3. Thanks for your answer, as I said in my post , I can run reports from computers with Linux so, the server firewall is disabled, and there is no restriction in my server. On my lan, there is no windows server, just one Linux Server with jasperserver installed, 4 desktop computers with windows and 1 with linux installed.
  4. Thanks for your answer, as I said in my post , I can run reports from computers with Linux so, the server firewall is disabled, and there is no restriction in my server. On my lan, there is no windows server, just one Linux Server with jasperserver installed, 4 desktop computers with windows and 1 with linux installed.
  5. Hello, I have installed the latest jasperserver version in a linux server. Most of Desktop computer in the lan, have Windows installed. I cannot execute any of the demo reports inside jasperserver, accesing from windows desktop computer, but i can do that from Linux desktops. When i execute, by example customer reports, the computer freeze in Wait, Loading screen. I disabled firewall, antivirus, etc in Windows computers. Somebody have any clue? Thanks.
  6. My fault...tomcat is running, and jasper is not running. Hit start in manager not working and execute ./ctlscript.sh start do nothing.
  7. I cannot excecute jasperser, this error occurs: Estado HTTP 404 - /jasperserverLinux Mint17 64 bits, tomcat installed from jasper.run, postgresql preinstalled 9.3 version. Thanks
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