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Everything posted by DaveKay

  1. Okay ernesto - I was able to replicate what you showed me. I'm still however struggling to get either a table or a sub form populated with data. What I want to be able to is insert a table ( or a sub report ) that will report the 'add_an_outlet' records for each of the top level records. The add_an_outlet records are associated with the parent record via the PARENT_ID field. record.ID --> record.add_an_outlet.record.PARENT_RECORD_ID ( 1 to many ). I think what I need to do is similar to the sample described here; http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/jsondatasource/ and the json data source sample in the Jasper Report Library. http://sourceforge.net/projects/jasperreports/files/jasperreports/JasperReports%206.0.3/jasperreports-6.0.3-project.zip/download Hopefully you get what I mean and can still assist. Kind Regards David
  2. Thank you for that ernesto :-) I have just taken a look at the video and will try to apply what you have shown me. There are a few things there that I was not aware of. What I would like to do in the end is have a report that shows the top level inspection data and loops through the sub level records (add_an_outlet, add_an_inlet, add_defect records for each inspection in either a table or a sub report using the Parameter and the PARENT_ID and ID relationship. I really do appreciate you taking the time to create a step by step video for me...amazing! I'd better get to it - will let you know how I go.
  3. Thanks for taking a look ernestoo, the gist link is below - not used it before - just added an issue and pasted in the json, hope that's okay. https://github.com/DaveKay/SampleJSON/issues/1 Regards David
  4. Hello all, I'm trying to build a report using a json data feed - while I can access the first level of data within the feed I am unable to access any second level data. I'm not entirely sure I am using the correct terminolgy so I have provided a screen capture of the data source record tree (see below). What I'm trying to do is auto discover the field under record.add_outlet.record tree node, when I hit next the field list is empty. This is a data source/set for a table within the report - ultimately I would like access the sub levels from a sub report. I have tried to find a solution using various forums and can only find reference to solutions involving net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JsonDataSource and subdataSource which I'm strugging to understand yet alone implement. I would appreciate any assiistance that could be provided. Should I continue to try and understand the JsonDataSource subDataSource approach or is there alternative solution? I am using Jaspersoft Studio 6.0.3. Kind Regards David
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