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Everything posted by helloterence

  1. Could you elaborate with more technical details? What expression would I be using to hide and superpose the component?
  2. It would require me to redesign all my reports. Even if I were to use it, how would I go about implementing it into each table?
  3. Hi, I am looking to have tables display a static string that says "No data" when the data source used bythe table does not contain any records. So far, I have attempted the following: 1. Define a column footer (this cell spans the total number of columns in the column header) that contains a static text of "No Data" and... 2. For that particular cell, I made it so the column footer prints only when report count is equal to zero. Although this does work for when the data source returns no records, however, it also continues to display even when there is data. I noticed that when setting the properties for the column footer, that it autofills the same property for column headers. Note that I am not looking to implement the use of the no data band or subreports as it steers away from what I am trying to achieve. On that note, any suggestions is greatly appreciated in advanced.
  4. Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows how to print seperate tables grouped by a category given one dataset? For example: Dataset: NameDateNum of CoffeesNum of DonutsJohn01-Jul23John08-Aug02Mike12-Sep12 I am looking for my report to be able to print seperate tables grouped by each individual, like so... JohnDateNum of CoffeesNum of Donuts01-Jul2308-Aug02 MikeDateNum of CoffeesNum of Donuts12-Sep12Any help is appreciated in advanced!
  5. Hi, I seem to be having trouble figuring out how to get two tables to print on separate sheets when exporting to Excel. My report simply consists of a header, group header (table 1), and group footer (table 2). I am looking for table 1 to display on a sheet labeled "Results" and table 2 to be on a sheet labeled "Summary". Report layout: Header Group 1 Header 1 Group 1 Footer 2 I currently have the net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.break.after.row set to "true" on my table 1 found on Group 1 Header 1. After running the report on the Jasper server and choosing export as Excel, everything shows up on one sheet. What am I doing wrong?
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