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  1. To avoid output as background-image you must set the image to fill the field, and do not set it to maintain its shape.
  2. Is there plans for updating either https://github.com/Jaspersoft/jrs-rest-java-client or https://github.com/sgwood63/jrs-rest-java-client It would be nice with an official release
  3. I have one goal. I want to ensure that JasperServer uses Arial when reports uses the default SansSerif. Somehow this seems to works in our old 5.2 installation, but I can't for the life of me figure out what we did. Moving to 6.4 and the server now default to Deja Vue which means that texts are missing the last parts because the measure is different. I've added Arial Unicode MS to fonts as a jar (taken from the old server). I have also added it to WEB-INF/lib I have tried to make a new one called SansSerif with a config like this<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><fontFamilies> <fontFamily name="SansSerif"> <normal><![CDATA[fonts/SansSerif/ARIALUNI.TTF]]></normal> <pdfEncoding><![CDATA[identity-H]]></pdfEncoding> <pdfEmbedded><![CDATA[true]]></pdfEmbedded> <exportFonts/> </fontFamily></fontFamilies> The strange thing is that it works fine on one server v6.4 but not on a exact copy. I then created a similar file and called it Arial and then added to jasperreports.properties net.sf.jasperreports.default.font.name=Arial net.sf.jasperreports.default.pdf.font.name=Arial This apparently works for some reports in html as well as pdf, but other similar reports breaks when exported as pdf with the exception net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Could not load the following font:pdfFontName: ArialpdfEncoding: Cp1252isPdfEmbedded : false at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRPdfExporter.getFont(JRPdfExporter.java:2323) Could anyone remind me how this was solved in 5.2 ? And can anyone point to a ultimate guide for fonts? Yes, I have read https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/custom-font-font-extension and similar guides. It should not be that hard, should it? Do I need to configure java instead like https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/intl/fontconfig.html Also the documentation links to https://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/1.1/embedding.html How would you do this and is it relevant for JasperServer JASPERREPORTS® SERVERCOMMUNITY PROJECT ADMINISTRATORGUIDERELEASE 6.4B.1.4 Embedding Fonts in PDF OutputBy default, JasperReports Server can create PDF (Portable Document Format) files with many differentfonts. However, if you experience font problems in the PDF output, you may need to take the stepsdescribed in this section to make the fonts available to JasperReports Server's XSL Formatting Object(XSL-FO) processor.You must have distribution rights to a font in order to embed it in a PDF file.When users save reports in PDF format, JasperReports Server generates the PDF output using Apache FOP(Formatting Objects Processor). In order for FOP to render fonts properly, you must install the font itself (forexample, a TTF file) on the server host, create a font metrics file (using Apache'sorg.apache.fop.fonts.apps.TTFReader utility), and update the userConfig.xml file to associate the fontwith its metrics. For more information, refer to the Apache FOP documentation.You can embed any Unicode font using this procedure, though larger font files may have significantly largermemory footprints. To keep memory requirements small, we recommend you use the smallest font file you can,such as SimHei to support Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. P.S. The link in the documentation is wrong pointing at "https://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/0.20.5/embedding.html"
  4. Hi hozawa Thanks for your input and involvement http://community.jaspersoft.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.gif. I think that the benefits with the current solution outweights the time and money it will cost to create anyting remotely as capable, resource managing, efficient and flexible on our own. Think about creating a new rest api, folder structure, handling of data connections, users, temporary files, scheduled reports, smart caches, a complete administrative interface, not to mention plugins for Eclipse, and a whole lot more. I'm probably better of contributing to the community or simply buying support. I suspect that a fair part of our trouble is due to the fact that we have yet to find out what is best practice and the best workflow. Yesterday I realised that some problems is because we are still running a 5.2.0 server. Lots of optimisations and bugfixes have come into version 6. Also JasperSoft Studio is not working right with 5.2.0 but seems much more flawles together with server version 6.x One trick to handle references seems to copy images, subreports etc. and "paste as link" where the main report is. Then the report uses these "local" resources which really is links. One great benefit is that the server automatically updates these links; if you "cut" an image and then "paste" it somewhere else, then the links gets updated. I have yet to do some more testing with this practice, but it seems promising. I think that there are two scenarios where we have to work out best practice: Create a new complex report using shared resourcesCollaborating on an existing report.
  5. Hi hozawa Thanks for your answer. We have a test server and a production server. Schedule is not an issue.One of the big benefits of the combination of JasperSoft Studio and the JasperSoft Report Server is that less tech savvy people can produce and deploy a report. We could live with the fact that they would have to activate a script, but it does not address any of my pains.Handling of references to subreports, images, etc. when they are shared among multiple reports.Any file is rendered as changed even if one just looked inside it.
  6. Hi. I hope some of you have figured this out. That would be awesome :-) I would like to have some version control over my server repository. I know that I can use export. But that solution seems mostly useful only for backup. I can't use the export because : files ends in .data instead of .jrxml, .png, etc.when editing in JasperSoft it instantly adds uuid's to each node and 4-5 lines of metadata in the top of the file.So even if one just looked in the file it will be marked as changed and I will have to do a thorough diff of the xml-file before committing (or reverting). I would like to find a solution to enable : better collaboration across team memberseasier work shared resources such as graphics, subreports, content and other files (linked resources)When working locally, I want to mimic the structure of the repository. That seems essential when working with referenced resources. Somehow JasperSoft Studio handles linked datatypes and input controls. But not subreports and images, etc. At least not very well. If I just open the server connection and starts working on a report, then subreports are not available before they have been opened as well. That is unles they are local to the main report, and that was not my goal. I want to be able to reuse subreports, etc. And every time the studio has been closed you will open the report again and it creates a new tmp-folder for the server, and you can start over downloading images, etc. Take a look for youself in your project explorer and see how many copies of server-folders you have. If I start to create a new report then I have the same problem. But even more so if I don't mimic the repository structure. I want to add a new report at the right place. For if I don't, then the reference-paths will be substantially different. I can handle path differences like this: (($P{REPORT_CONTEXT}!=null)?"repo:":"") + "/images/logo/somelogo.png That is assuming that I have created a local copy with /images/logo/somelogo.png (It should be noted that newer servers can handle paths without the "repo" part, so I am looking forward to upgrading my server.) And it also explains why I want to have the initial structure in my workspace. There is another problem when uploading from within studio. It will try to consolidate all resources together with the main report. So if I am not careful, then I will have multiple duplicates of my translation bundles and everything else. In the end my question is if anyone has a sound way to do collaboration and shared resources?
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