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Everything posted by 1031583371

  1. (1)you can try to change the Reset type:Report (2)$F{Net}==0?null,$F{Net} and select the Blank When null
  2. A parameter name has to be the same as the one declared in the subreport. The names are case-sensitive, so capitalization counts. If you make an error typing the name or the inserted parameter has not been defined, no error is thrown (but probably something would end up not working, and you would be left wondering why).
  3. Now i have a report ,it generates both PDF and CSV reports using same data and same JRXML,the csv format output result like below image.the PDF format totally differ from the CSV format output. now i need to support the two formats in one report ,so my data service(get the data from DB and return a xml file as report datasource) gets invoked once for the generation of both formats. and i add net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.column.names(Column A,Column B.....),and net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.write.header(true) in report properties . then accordingly add net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.column.name and net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.data in text field properties in detail band. so it can dispaly only in CSV format and hide in PDF format. but i don't know how to add the report header(As of Date:yyyy-MM-dd) and report footer(Limited Access..etc). My declare is clear? please give me some suggestions?
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