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Everything posted by jaime.pegueroles

  1. Dude, i think you might miss one detail, i add this part to complement your answer. When we are going to add the parameter in the window "Dataset Parameter" a new window comes, in that window we must select the parameter we want to made the relation with the main parameter of the main report, but we must dont forget below there another option "Parameter Expression", we need to add the parameter here to, is mandatory to make this works, so take this part very carefully, hope this can halp to another person.
  2. I want to thank you about this hint, i was stock in the same problem...thanks again!
  3. Hi, everyone i have the same problem plus i have to change the jre path to the 1.7 because i have the 1.8 in my machine im using iReport 5.6.0 with db2 db 10.5 fixpack 5. I discover the iReport do not open with that jre version. I could made run and open, but im having the same problem to try to connecto the DB2 db i tray everything that i can far search in google and this post to, i will details now what i try, so if someone can give me a hint so solve this. I rename the db2java.zip to db2java.jar an added to the ireport classpath using "Add JAR", this didnt work...for this case i used the zip was in the SQLIB folder (IBMSQLLIBjava).Tried to use COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver and COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.jcc.DB2Driver as a driver in the configuration of the DataSource.I try renaming the driver that ireport give for db2, so i try with COM and com, this didnt work.I try ussing driver db2jcc.jar and db2jcc4.jar, this didnt work...forgot mention i downloaded the drivers from IBM repositories.What i see a difference between iReport and jaspersoft studio is they using different driver to connect to de DB2 db iReport use this driver: IBM DB2 (COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver) jaspersoft studio use this drivers: com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver Can someone help to understand why i cant made the connection to my db and why this to tools use different drivers?
  4. Yes that is another way to find an issue in the xml...good one!
  5. I have the same error, check the jrxml using a text editor but select the utf-8 encoding then you can see if there are some character inapropied for the utf-8 encoding.
  6. Hi, i have almost the same question, but my carriage return it will come in the text the i send via parameter.
  7. Dude, your solution works for me i think the same with you, this is not the most academic solution...BUT!!!...it works
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