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Everything posted by prooban

  1. Hi, Report Configuration Type: xls Number of Records: 25000 Number Of Column: 25 (length 250 char) JVM allotted: 512m Virtualizer: JRSwapFileVirtualizer (JRSwapFileVirtualizer(3, new JRSwapFile(tempDir, 2048, 512), true) For the above configuration, how much time it may take to generate report?
  2. Hi Lician, It says "This is useful when only one page of the entire report is needed for export.". Whether my understanding correct? It gives only one page report. But my requirement is each page in different files. Whether my understanding correct?
  3. Hi, I would like to generate report in different files (pdf,excel,htm). Jasper queries records from the database chunk by chunk say 500 based on our configuration input. Is it possible to generate report in different files for each chunk? else Is it possible to generate report in different files for each page?
  4. Hi, I want to generate larger report in excel,pdf,htm formats. Virtualizer: JRSwapFileVirtualizer RAM: 512m With the above configuration I am generating big report. It takes an hour to generate the report. I noticed that it reads the database and writes a swap file in the file system till than memory consumption is fine. But after the it is trying to generate the report file. Here it consumes more memory. Because of this only one report I am able to generate at a time. I have seen below post as well which is my concern which tells me that there is no solution. http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/528526/how-create-large-excel-file-jasperreport-and-jexcelapi-without-outmem How to generate the report in an efficient way with less time and memory? Please suggest any other way of acheiving this as well.
  5. Hi, I want to generate excel report without page break and only showing column header in the first page.As my report size is big one, I am using virtualizer (JRSwapFileVirtualizer). In order to make the virtualizer work I need to set the JRParameter.IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION to false. But if I set JRParameter.IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION to false then report is getting generated with page break and column header in each page. So how to generate report without page break and without repeating column header in each page (one long report) with virtualizer enabled? I have attached the report which I am getting.
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