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Everything posted by peter_tonev

  1. Hi Teodor, the image tag (which works with the PDF exporter) is: "repo:/Reports/MyLogo.jpg" It doesn't work with the XHTML exporter. I'm not sure though whether I simply don't use here the proper image embedding settings or if we possibly have some issue with our application configuration, so the XHTML exporter cannot export the image together with the report. The workaround which functions with XHTML was to deploy the image on a web server within our domain (relative path to it being /styles/img/reports/), then my JRXML image tag looks like: "/styles/img/reports/MyLogo.jpg" Thanx, Peter
  2. Hi Teodor, thanks a lot for your reply. I feared it would seem this way. I think I'd better describe what we exactly are trying to do. We have reports which are embedded in our web application using the REST API. Primary usage of our app is on iPads, where the available system ressources are limited, so our app have to be very performant. Some of our reports can get very long (for our limitations) - about 20-30 pages, and then the app page starts to flutter upon actions like swiping, scrolling a.s.o. Along with this, the app gets very slow. As a workaround we decided to introduce pagination in our reports for we noticed that the fluttering issue doesn't take effect when having only one-page reports. We don't use the Jasper page-scrolling buttons for two reasons: as said, we deploy the REST interface and fetch the reports as HTML content using the XHTML exporter (so the JasperServer page scrolling buttons simply aren't there); and then we want the embedded Jasper reports to look like the rest of our application, so we use customisable elements like HTML elements, images or text. Now, the idea was that our reports offer hyperlink-based buttons << previous | next >>. On click the << next >> button increments the REST parameter "page" by 1. I.e. the hyperlink defined on the "next" button is a REST request for the same report with a certain page, and I attach to the url the string "&page=".concat($V{varNextPage}) where varNextPage is defined as ($V{PAGE_NUMBER} + 1).toString() A varPrevoiusPage would then be accordingly. ($V{PAGE_NUMBER} - 1).toString() Now, in order not to get out-of-index error, we needed to define what happens if you're already on the first or the last page and try to go further. The <> -button was easier, for the first page has obviously the number 1, so I used for the varPrevoiusPage the expression: ( $V{PAGE_NUMBER} - 1 < 1 ? "1" : ($V{PAGE_NUMBER} - 1).toString() ) I.d. if you're on the first page already and you click "previuos", you get the first page once again. (What is also possible would be to supess the <>-button when on first page. The hard part comes with the <>-button when you're already on the last page. Our issue is how to tell if you're on the last page. Supposed there was a variable called e.g. TotalPageCount which gives us this value, we could define our varNextPage like ( $V{PAGE_NUMBER} + 1 > TotalPageCount ? $V{PAGE_NUMBER} : ($V{PAGE_NUMBER} + 1).toString() ) Then on click on the <>-button as you are already on the last page, you'd just stay there (or you could supress the "next"-button based on the expression $V{PAGE_NUMBER} == TotalPageCount). I know such features from Crystal Reports, where you could define formula like (PageNumber = TotalPageCount), or user the Next function to get the next record, NextIsNull function to test it the next record value is NULL, all this together with functions for delayed evaluation like whilePrintingRecords, evaluateAfter a.s.o. Can you propose some solution or workaround for our requirement as described above - it doesn't have to work this way we try, but rather have the same (paging) functionality within the HTML-exported report. What would you do in our place? Many thanks in advance Peter
  3. Hello community, I'm looking for a way to evaluate the total number of pages in a Jasper Report. I.e. NOT to render but to process it (!). I know it is possible to render the total number of pages using the variable $V{PAGE_NUMBER} in a text field with evaluation time "Report". This isn't what I need - I need really to get the value of the varaible $V{PAGE_NUMBER}, evaluated within the "Report" scope, and use this value further (e.g. in expressions of elements placed in the page footer). Is this possible with JasperReports? Thanks & regards, Peter
  4. Hi there, I now found a workaround myself - a "real" solution though would be better. The workaround is to deploy the image e.g. on a web server within your domain (though this isn't a must have) and point to it using lazy evaluation. Cheers, Peter
  5. Hello community, I have a report with a logo in it (jpg). When I call the report using the rest_v2/reports service and use PDF as export format, the logo image gets rendered. If I use HTML though, I only get a broken image icon. My image expression is "repo:/Reports/MyLogo.jpg" where "Reports" is the folder name where both my reports and the image are. I call my report using https://<<myJasperHost>>/jasperserver-pro/rest_v2/reports/Reports/<<myReport>>.html and https://<<myJasperHost>>/jasperserver-pro/rest_v2/reports/Reports/<<myReport>>.pdf respectively. My image expressin class is String, but I already tried the others and also all possible options on the image element. How can I reference the image - do I need another REST call (and how would it look like)? Thanks & Cheers, Peter
  6. Hi, my question was generally meant for JasperReports. I'm working with iReport currently, but if there is a way to achieve this using Studio or even some solution which works only on the Jasper Server it would be fine as well. Cheers, Peter
  7. Hello community, is there a way to make a report band expandable / collapsible based on clicking some element (like a text field with hyperlink on it)? Cheers, Petar
  8. Hello community, we evaluate the embedding of Jasper reports in our web application using the REST API. I've got a report (created with iReport) with hyperlinks in it, referencing another reports in tre repository and passing them parameters. Since I'm using the REST API for integrating the report in our app, the "ReportExecution" hyperlink type wouldn't work. I also tried another hyperlink types and the only one working within this context is the "Reference" type. There I have though to use the Hyperlink Reference Expression and -use an absolute url to the linked report -concatenate the parameters needed to the Hyperlink Reference Expression instead of passing them ("Link parameters") Here my question: is there another way of using hyperlinks in order to achieve the same (have hyperlinks + pass parameters + use the REST API). Thanks & best regards, Peter
  9. Hello community, we use the HTTP API together with an iFrame to embed a Jasper report deployed on an Enterprise JRS into our web application. It works when run on a laptop (having Mac OS X), but when we try to run the host web page on an iPad, the web browser on the iPad sends endlessly multilple requests to the JRS and does not render the content received from it. Does anyone have idea what the reason could be? I should probably say that when we execute the report with the same hyperlink we use in the iFrame directly in the web browser on the iPad, the report works and gets rendered. Here is the structure of a link we used: https://<<myJRS>>/jasperserver-pro/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&reportUnit=<<path to the report in the repository>>&decorate=no&viewAsDashboardFrame=true All hints are apreciated. Thanks, Peter
  10. Hi, sorry for the late answer - I was on vacation. I tested this only with HTML output and unfortunately don't have any expirience how it works with the rest output formats. You could possibly try to first output as HTML and then export from it into .doc, maybe it could work then.
  11. Hello Patrick, you're welcome :) I discovered exactly the same you described above and posted it as a solution in my thread on a similar topic which I created yesterday. So if you came to the same solution is seemt to be a good one. Cheers, Peter
  12. OK, I figured it out myself, here a solution for the interested: Pull a sort component from the pallete, define the column (set) by which it should sort, set "opaque" property off, set evaluation to "Now", align the sort component to the right, make it a little bit wider as your header, put it over the header so that the right aligned arrow does not overlap with the text, done. Now when you deploy the report on the JRS and run it, you will get a hyperlink over your text (column header); click it once - report content gets sorted ascending by the ccolumn (set) defined and an up-arrow is rendered, second click - it gets sorted descending and a down-arrow is represeted, third click - sort is removed (the data set reappears in the initial sort order) and no arrow is showing. Cheers, Peter
  13. OK, I found it out myself. Put a rectangle with the specified color in the background of your data fields, set "Opaque" checked, set the Stretch Type property to "Relative to Band Height", done. Cheers, Peter
  14. Hello community, I need to sort the content in my report based on clicking the data header (i.e. some sort of hyperlink). I found out that Jasper has the sort component, but it is rendered as a seperate element (an up / down arrow) which you can place anywhere. Is there a way to define a hyperlink on data field headers (or column headers) and then when clicking on it to sort ascending (by second click - descending) the data based on the underlying data field, instead of going to some reference mark or executing another report? I found a workaround on this - first click executes an ascending sorted report in the same page frame, second click executes a descending sorted report. But this is a clumsy soution for I have more columns and hence I have to create two reports for each column which is a no go. Furthermore, this way the data set is recreated each time and what I only need is just sort the already fetched data. Thanks and regards, Peter
  15. Hi Patrick, I just used the sort component myself. What I find out is that it didn't work in iReport (both with internal preview and HTML preview), but it did on the JasperReports Server. Try deploying your report to JRS and run it there, then the sort component should work. BUT: in my report the sort component didn't show at start; however when I hovered on the place it shoul be, there was a blank space with hyperlink and after I clicked on it, the report content got sorted and the sort arow did show. Regards, Peter
  16. Hello community, is there a way to set a backgroung color for a report band (e.g. for the detail band)? If I select the band in iReport, there is no backcolor property as e.g. when selecting a text field. I really miss this feature, it is available in Crystal Reports and I use it in many reports. With Crystal one can even define a condition depending upon the background should be rendered. Thanks & regards, Peter
  17. Thanks Ankur, I guess I'd have to do this using JRS and not iReport. Do you know if such dynamic lists for parameters are possible generally with a (JRXML-based) JasperReport, e.g. by modifying the XML template directly without using iReport? Thanks, Peter
  18. Hi Paulo, thanks for your reply; however your syntax would - as Ankur says below - add dynamically some part of the query at runtime. My requirement is though to fetch the values for a parameter from a SQL query or data field before at customizing time, i.e. before the report is run. Other reporting suites offer that (dynamically created LOVs, dynamic parameter and other descriptions exist). I know this is possible with JasperServer, but my goal was to achieve this with iReport. Many thanks anyway. Regards, Peter
  19. Hello community, I saw this question was already asked before, but not really answered yet. Can one define parameters within iReport (NOT JasperServer !) which are dynamically populated (e.g. by assigning a field from the report query to the parameter list or by defining a SQL query for doing this)? The idea is - as the report gets executed, the user gets a parameter prompt and is able to select a value for the parameter from the list populated by the SQL query. As I regard this as a basic reporting funtionality, I'm looking for a straightforward solution i.e. without having to program it myself. Thanks & best regards, Peter
  20. Hello community, We want to offer map reports cappability in our application (a custom CRM solution), so we are planning to deploy the Google Maps API, which is supported by JasperReports. Is the API usage included within the commercial Jaspersoft licence we have or should we purchase a separate licence from Google? Thanks & regards, Peter
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