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Everything posted by Manuel.MarcosDomenech

  1. Hello, i generated a crosstab with the wizzard with one measure in it. then i want to edit the crosstab and add another measure to all the cells. i can create the new measure with a right click on measure, but i can not drop or add the new measure on to the crosstab. if i let it fall on the cell in the crosstab, it is just not there... what do i make wrong?
  2. Hello, i need a variable which picks a field based on the current month. at first i thought i could do this with a switch case condition, but did not found it. so i wrote an interlaced if condition, but after adding the 9th if condition, the variable does not work any more. is this a known problem in jaspersoft studio? or what could i do to solve this issue or is there a better way to pick the field based on the moth? my if condition looks like this: IF(MONTH(TODAY())-1 == 11,$F{WF01PU}, IF(MONTH(TODAY())-1 == 12,$F{WF02PU}, IF(MONTH(TODAY())-1 == 01,$F{WF03PU}, IF(MONTH(TODAY())-1 == 02,$F{WF04PU}, IF(MONTH(TODAY())-1 == 03,$F{WF05PU}, IF(MONTH(TODAY())-1 == 04,$F{WF06PU}, IF(MONTH(TODAY())-1 == 05,$F{WF07PU}, IF(MONTH(TODAY())-1 == 06,$F{WF08PU}, IF(MONTH(TODAY())-1 == 07,$F{WF09PU}, IF(MONTH(TODAY())-1 == 08,$F{WF10PU}, IF(MONTH(TODAY())-1 == 09,$F{WF11PU}, IF(MONTH(TODAY())-1 == 10,$F{WF12PU}, 0))))))))))))
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