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  1. Did you ever figure this out? I'm having the same issue with a time series chart. I need to do two groupings and I don't want to use a subreport because the query is complex.
  2. Hello, I am trying to add a "maps pro" component in iReport 5.1. I can get the map to appear, but none of the markers will show up on the map. Below is the xml from the file. Changing the settings in map properties does not affect the markers, and I can't find an issue with my marker expressions. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Ask for more detail if needed. <summary><band height="600"><componentElement><reportElement uuid="139988a9-5090-4181-b96e-ad6dcde4508d" x="0" y="0" width="1160" height="600"/><fm:map xmlns:fm="http://jaspersoft.com/fusion" xsi:schemaLocation="http://jaspersoft.com/fusion http://jaspersoft.com/schema/fusion.xsd"><fm:mapNameExpression><![CDATA["WorldwithCountries"]]></fm:mapNameExpression><fm:mapProperty name="showLegend"><fm:propertyExpression><![CDATA[boolean.FALSE]]></fm:propertyExpression></fm:mapProperty><fm:mapProperty name="includeNameInLabels"><fm:propertyExpression><![CDATA[boolean.FALSE]]></fm:propertyExpression></fm:mapProperty><fm:mapProperty name="showLabels"><fm:propertyExpression><![CDATA[boolean.FALSE]]></fm:propertyExpression></fm:mapProperty><fm:mapProperty name="includeValueInLabels"><fm:propertyExpression><![CDATA[boolean.FALSE]]></fm:propertyExpression></fm:mapProperty><fm:mapProperty name="borderColor"><fm:propertyExpression><![CDATA[new java.awt.Color(-16777216)]]></fm:propertyExpression></fm:mapProperty><fm:mapProperty name="baseFont"><fm:propertyExpression><![CDATA["Calibri"]]></fm:propertyExpression></fm:mapProperty><fm:mapProperty name="baseFontSize"><fm:propertyExpression><![CDATA[new Integer(10)]]></fm:propertyExpression></fm:mapProperty><fm:mapProperty name="baseFontColor"><fm:propertyExpression><![CDATA[new java.awt.Color(-16777216)]]></fm:propertyExpression></fm:mapProperty><fm:mapProperty name="hoverColor"><fm:propertyExpression><![CDATA[new java.awt.Color(-16724992)]]></fm:propertyExpression></fm:mapProperty><fm:mapDataset><dataset><datasetRun subDataset="Map Dataset" uuid="7955dbfd-848a-4504-88b3-581930ae14a5"><connectionExpression><![CDATA[$P{REPORT_CONNECTION}]]></connectionExpression></datasetRun></dataset><fm:entity><fm:idExpression><![CDATA["Change me!"]]></fm:idExpression><fm:valueExpression><![CDATA[1]]></fm:valueExpression><fm:labelExpression><![CDATA["stuff"]]></fm:labelExpression></fm:entity></fm:mapDataset><fm:shapeData/><c:markerData xmlns:c="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports/components" xsi:schemaLocation="http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/jasperreports/components http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/xsd/components.xsd"><dataset><datasetRun subDataset="Map Dataset" uuid="b415bb2e-9220-4888-9895-7d24ac3a9c07"><connectionExpression><![CDATA[$P{REPORT_CONNECTION}]]></connectionExpression></datasetRun></dataset><c:item><c:itemProperty name="id"><valueExpression><![CDATA["test"]]></valueExpression></c:itemProperty><c:itemProperty name="x"><valueExpression><![CDATA[$F{long} == null ? 0 : $F{long}.floatValue()]]></valueExpression></c:itemProperty><c:itemProperty name="y"><valueExpression><![CDATA[$F{lat} == null ? 0 : $F{lat}.floatValue()]]></valueExpression></c:itemProperty><c:itemProperty name="type" value="circle"/><c:itemProperty name="label"><valueExpression><![CDATA[$F{c}.toString()]]></valueExpression></c:itemProperty></c:item></c:markerData></fm:map></componentElement></band></summary>
  3. Thanks for the reply. My question is basically, from the main report query dataset, can I use this dataset for multiple tables in the same report? It seems like from your example, I would leave the main report query blank (or have a placeholder), then create a dataset with the query I want. Then, as I create more tables, I can pick and choose fields from the result of the query to populate the tables. I wanted to avoid a scenario where my main report had a query, and then each table created had to redo a portion of that initial query to obtain the fields that I wanted. Let me try making a dataset instead of using the main report dataset and see what happens.
  4. Hello, I have a report that, on the top level, has many fields. I would like to make several tables to group the relevant fields together instead of one gigantic table. However, it seems that each table relies on a query to get the data. Is there a way to use the top level query as my dataset for the rest of the tables so that I do not have to run multiple queries from the same report? Thanks
  5. Yeah I figured it out (at least the implementation part). I'll try the datasource idea, thanks!
  6. I am using iReport Designer 5.1.0. I have been reading up on scriptlets and implementing custom java code, but I cannot seem to make it work. The problem I want to solve is: I have a db connection and can access whatever I want just fine. However, there is a field that is a comma separated String which I want to do some operation on that is more complex than is supported by iReport, and then feed the results back into the report. More specifically, this field is a set of Strings (one String per entry in the db) that I want to feed in to a custom class. This class will do some operation over every String examined, and return a List to the report with the overall operation results. Writing the custom Java is an issue, but I need to know what links to what between the custom class and iReport. For example, where do I register the input value and the output value for this oepration. The steps I have taken so far are: 1. Write the custom class extending JRDefaultScriptlet, export as a JAR 2. Add the JAR to the classpath of iReport 3. Create a scriptlet with the same name as the class 4. Define a new variable with the same name as the custom class output; change calculation type to System ??? What other steps do I need to take to get the result I want? Is this even possible? Thanks
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