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  1. Hi, I am using jasper report 4.7.1 for download docx and pdf file and using ireport 4.7.1 for creating jasper file. Also using grails plugin "jasper:1.6.1" to download it. When I download pdf file then its working fine but when I try to download it into docx format then I am facing some problem. Here is my scenario about my jrxml file. I have a main report which I generate dynamically using "Dynamic Jasper" . And there are many subreport in main report. All subreport is calling from detail band of main report . I pass a list of instances in subreport and use data of instances in my subreport. Data are dynamic and may be less or more. I set that data in detail band of subreport. My problem is when we go at any new then in pdf its split without any blank space while in docx it leave next page as blank and start fill data from next to next page. If you have have any problem to understand question please let me know.
  2. just one more question. new datasource "path for subreport.jasper" Can I give dynamic value for x,y and width ,height, like I take a variable and put value. If possible what type of data type should I take?
  3. This solution was in my mind. But I am confused that how can I implement switch case in jrxml file. I searched it on google but did not find anything regarding this. Can you tell me or provide some link so that I can learn it better.
  4. Hi.. Is there any problem to understand my question or is it impossible to implement this type of scenario. Please clarify if possible. Thanks
  5. No its not swapping of two sub report exactly.Its basically rearranging of sub report.Every sub report has its own look and feel and own list which I send through controller. In starting I have a order of sub report suppose 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 . after change the position of sub reports suppose I have an order like this- 5,9,8,3,2,1,6,7,4 or 8,5,1,9,4,7,6,2,3 or something like this. I have 9! possibillity to rearrange sub report. Now I How can I set path and data(List sent with sub report) to manage my sub report.
  6. Hi, Thanks for this awesome answer. I have 9 sub report.And my requirement is that I can switch any sub report with any other sub report. Is there any possibility to make a condition of this type.
  7. Hi Ankur Thanks for your reply. can you please send me a piece of code, I did not get exactly that how you swap two or more sub report with each other.
  8. I am using jasper report to generate pdf and docx . for design I am using ireport. Suppose I have two subreport sub1 and sub2 . Now I need to swap position of these two subreport from each other. I am using jasper plugin in grails. now my problem is that how can I change the position of these two sub report from my controller. If there is any confusion to understand question, feel free to ask me. Thanks. Vivek
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