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  1. Hi, I have used order by clause in my crosstab query and checked "Data is pre-sorted" check box for the crosstab.However I am getting wrong data.For some sets of data the crosstab displays right with correct data, for others it is giving 0 and extra rows in crosstab. Then I removed the data pre-sorted check and tried to apply Order by expression to one of my Row variables.But that does not work either. Order by expression does not accept my crosstab query output field, hence I introduced a measure in crosstab(calculation:nothing) width, height 0 for this measure and tried to order my row group by this measure.But again this is not helping and I am not getting sorted data. Please guide me through this. Regards, Smita
  2. Hi, I have added order by to my query and check Data is pre-sorted for the crosstab.This works for some set of data and not for other.I read that there are some rules that need to be applied for the order by used in crosstab query.But the jasper community page does not open for me.Can you let me know the requisites. Thanks!
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