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Everything posted by john.crutcher

  1. I've got a main query that captures much data, including a case number and a person name. After printing one page with all the data for each person-case number pair, I want to print a summary list of eacy case number and the related person's name. Can I capture the number and the name in a subdataset that the summary will use to produce the list? I can execute the query a second time but I'm trying to make the report faster by executing the query only once.
  2. I have a database field I parse into four jasper reports fields for display. I want to group the four fields into a section of the report with the header, not appear when the fields are empty, and push the text following down if all four fields are present. I'm thinking elementGroup is the way to go, but the fields are appearing separate from each other. Here's what I have so far: $F{additionalIdentifyingData1} != null</p><p> && !"".equals($F{additionalIdentifyingData1})</p><p> && $F{additionalIdentifyingData2} != null</p><p> && !"".equals($F{additionalIdentifyingData2})</p><p> &&$F{additionalIdentifyingData3} != null</p><p> && !"".equals($F{additionalIdentifyingData3})</p><p> &&$F{additionalIdentifyingData4} != null</p><p> && !"".equals($F{additionalIdentifyingData4}) Physical Description $F{additionalIdentifyingData1} $F{additionalIdentifyingData2} $F{additionalIdentifyingData3} $F{additionalIdentifyingData4}
  3. I'm new to jasper reports, any help would be appreciated. I parsed one field from the database into four jasper reports fields. I would like to group those fields into one band of the report, and when some of the fields are blank or not I don't want to show those lines. How can I group? Can I use jr:list? group? can I create a dataset with the known fields? Should I not parse the database field and instead split the four lines in something? Thanks in advance for your help.
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