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  1. Hi Teodor, Yes i want a column current date time in the domain of jasper report server. can you please let me know how to get that date in the domain as a field ?
  2. I want to have column as system date in my domain and want to use that column in my reporting so that i can see the current date every time a report runs. How can i make that possible in jasper report server?? Is there any way i can crete that column in domain or can i have that in my report directly in jasper report server Please help me by providing necessary answers to this question
  3. Hi , I was creating domain in jasper report server and after some time i found that the jasper report server crashed. This pboblem has occured twice after creating domains.I have attached the file describing the error i get every time i log in to jasper report server after the crash. Please provide in your thoughts of how to handle this issue.
  4. Hi.i am also trying to connect ireport to jasperserver.But the url that i have got for jasper server does not have a port number.And connecting ireport to jasper server is "http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/services/repository" i can give the server name in place of local host.But while connecting it is throwing error.If i remove the port number "8080" then also it is throwing error.Please help me how can i connect ireport to jasperserver.I have ireport installed in my local machine.And jasperserver installed in an instance of aws.
  5. Hi, I have followed steps as described in this link http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/525788/bypass-login-credentials-jasper-server After restarting the server ,and clicking on the login page,i am redirected to the home page.It is not asking for credentials. But the problem is i am unable to see anything over there.Its just coming as a HTML page with blue background. No icons, no tabs like "create: "view" "manage" not even "logout". Please suggest me what to do next so that this works out .
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