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  1. Already tried adding additional memory to Java (heap space) to 2048M (XmX2048M) and still the same thing happens. Also tried editing ireportpro.conf (since I can't find ireport.conf for ireport v5.1) and changed Xms42m to 256m and Xmx512m to 2048m but ireport will not start or work (changed back settings for ireport to work again). Anymore ideas guys? I would greatly appreciate it.. thanks in advance
  2. Hi guys, I am new to Ireport Designer and have an issue or problem with it. I was able to install and configure Ireport properly and was successful in creating simple reports from it but when creating more complicated report it will freeze and not function. I already tried waiting for more than an hour for the software to respond but nothing happend. Already tried the same process for a week and still the same thing happend. I tried multiple OS (windows XP 32bit, Windows 7 32bit/64bit, Ubuntu 12.04LTS 64bit) using the same PC and same thing happens. I am trying to create a report based on the database exported from our Mambu account. PC Specs (core i3-2100 @3.1GHz, 12GB ram, 1TB HDD, Asus P8H 61-M LE Mobo, 2GB 128bit Radeon HD 6670 Vcard) Ireport Designer 5.1 , MySQL 5.6.11, JAVA jre 1.7 and MySQL workbench = (software used in creting report) Hope you guys can enlighten me on what to do... thanks alot
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